Sunday, July 10, 2011

LeakyCon 2011

In 30 hours I will be heading to LAX. In 30 hours and 40 minutes I will be boarding a plane. In 42* hours I will be in Orlando. After that the math just gets too crazy but still! It's so close but it feels like I'll never leave LA. The worst part is I still have all of tomorrow to wait.

Although, its just as well, because I'm still not ready! So today, after I finish this blog, I will clean my room, go to Robin's to watch the latest episode of True Blood**, then come home and do more cleaning, cause knowing me it'll take more then 3 hours once you factor in my procrastinating. Then tomorrow I have a short 2 hour book keeping shift at work at 8. then I'll go home and properly pack, since, you know, I haven't really done more then just pile everything together. My dad can't find our suitcase, who knows who we loaned it to last, so he needs to pick up a new one. 

My emotions keep flip-flopping back and forth between utter joy and utter panic. I can't believe the end is in sight. And while I know that it won't mean the end of the Harry Potter Fandom*** I know I'll still be quite dejected when its over. Especially since we just found out that Alex Carpenter's last show as The Remus Lupins will take place during LeakyCon. He was my first WRock band, my first wrock CD, my first live show... I knew it had to happen, all the wrockers are slowly moving on to other fandoms and projects. We'll still have Alex, of course, he's still gonna be working hard at his craft... but theres a whisper in the back of my head that say, oh so mockingly, "they're growing up."

Ah well, there will be time enough later for tears. And I'm gonna try my best to spend the week at LeakyCon living in the moment and not time travelling to the end.


** spoiler from last week: Eric finally lost his memory! I can't wait for he and Sookie to get it on!! 
***Star Wars is proof enough of that 
**** 29 hours

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Found a new blog...

Its called hitting on girls in bookstores and it is just fabulous :) sadly it looks like he revamped so all his old posts are gone, but thankfully, when I subscribed via google reader it had all his old posts. The one that cinched it for me was one he wrote on April 1, 2008.  I think this screen cap should work:

A romantic pick-up line to use on a bookish girl.

"Will you be my Elizabeth Bennett?"

Simple. Clean. And utterly dorky. Use it on the wrong type, though, and you'll find yourself with an odd look and not a sly smile."

How brilliant is that? I would love for a boy to say that one day to me!
