Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wrock Show!

I'm sitting at Wahoo's with RH, C, and S. We're eating dinner after the AMAZING Wizard Rock Show we go to attend at Whimsic Alley (whimsically) with The Whomping Willows, Justin Finch-Fletchly and the Sugar Quills, and The Remus Lupins! There is nothing like spending the afternoon with a group of people who love the same fandom as you do.
This was my third show for The Remus Lupins but
my first time ever for Whompy and JFF. They gave a good show! Jff started the show off with their catchy tunes about going to the Yule ball and liking Millicent Bulstrode, and how Dumbledore's gay but that's ok. Really catchy tunes so I
know I'll be checking out their music soon. Whompy came up next and paired with a few new songs I also got to dance to thier old faves like house of awesome,wizard rock heart throb, and in which Draco and Harry secretly want to make out. And then came The Remus Lupins which is my favorite wrock band of all time! Especially since Alex told us to close the gap so we all got to dance pretty much right next to them. They played all my faves: AWPBD, looking for trouble, loosen your tie and teenage werewolf. And we also got a surprise visit from Ministry of Magic and wow are they cute!!! I need to get some of their music.
All in all this was a GREAT show!

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drop me a line and save a kitten... or you know, make a fangirl happy.