Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Car Troubles and Comics

It's all grey and cold (for me) right now, so I've brought out my Slytherin scarf which makes me happy. Which is nice cause apparently locking my keys in the car is the new leaving my headlights on... This is the second time in 2 weeks. In fact it happened exactly last week. Comic Book Day us apparently not a good day for my car and I... :-/ The really sucky part is that I have no clue where my spare keys have gone so, again, I have to call AAA unless Campus Police can do something about it...

In other news some more of DC's new 52 are out today. I'm picking up Batman, Nightwing, Catwoman, Supergirl, and from not DC I'm getting TMNT. Unlike last week, I'm very excited about all the comics I'm picking up today and I've already read a good review for Batman #1 so, yay! I really hope they don't screw up Catwoman though. That line about how she's "obsessed" with Batman still pisses me off a bit. If she's obsessed with him then he's equally obsessed with her. They act like it's just CW who can't stop thinking about it... Ok, so more then just "a bit" pissed off...

Work tonight. I'm food running which is a pretty easy shift. I just hope the new manager isn't there. He annoys me. Although I admit new managers always annoy me, I don't like having to impress them from scratch, and he does things differently, and he hovers, and if I hear "in my old restaurant we..." one more time I will scream.

Although he does remind me of Hank Green which makes me feel guilty for not liking him...

Professor is late, and the more time goes by with him not showing up, the more I hope he doesn't show and we can leave early.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So it's been awhile since I posted anything. Even with the new Blogger app (finally) I just don't know what to say. The problem us that my life lately has been so pathetically mundane I haven't really had anything to talk about. If course, when I do have something I want to share I always have these grand plans about how I'm going to phrase things. Then I get to my computer and I can't make myself say more then "omg so awesome"

Like on Sunday. I went to Long Beach with friends and got to rent a Segway to explore the area with. It was my first time on a Segway and it was a lot of fun. They went faster then I expected, but in a way it's also a bit sad to be excited to be traveling at 12 MPH too... But it was a lot of fun, if I had the cash, I admit I would totally like to have one. I don't know where I would use it, cause I feel like, if I used it at malls where typically only security uses them, I'd come off like a giant douche...
Anyways after 2 hours on those suckers (I only tripped like 3 times and didn't eat it at all!), We got some Coldstones Ice Crem, mine was insane: cheesecake ice cream, oreo cookies, white chocolate chips, and caramel, we headed to a used bookstore. The Building they were using was an old Borders, till, you know, they went out of business... So that part was just a tiny bit "awww" inducing, but the best part was that everybook was selling for just a dollar. Paperback, Hardback, textbooks, bestsellers, Everything! I am so happy that that I didn't bring my wallet while Segway-ing, because that way I could only spend the small amount of many I had in my pocket, instead of, you know, my entire paycheck. And Since I had just bought some Coldstone Ice Cream that meant I had $12 in my pocket. So after spending a good 2 hours wandering the aisles I walked out with 11 books:

  • The Great Gatsby
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Thirteenth Tale
  • Every Boy's Got One
  • Catalyst
  • The Name of this Book is Secret
  • MLA Handbook 6th Ed
  • The Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • Killing me Softly
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • Rosemary and Rue
So I'm very excited about reading those, as soon as I find the time while reading Frankenstein for English class.

See? thats actually a pretty good day that I can make into a blog post. But for some reason when I tried writing it the first time it was no where near this long...

Sadly, I'm still at the phase where I have to force myself into blogging properly and not just thinking of doing it later.

Oh and as for the title today. I went to pick up my comics today; Batwoman, Superboy, and Batman and Robin, and when I purchased them and left I realized I didn't have my keys. When I walked into the Comic Book Shop I only had my wallet and my phone. I had stupidly left my keys in the car. D'oh!
Thankfully AAA has an iphone app that I could use to request service. And while I was waiting for someone to show up I ended up seeing it as a perfect excuse to actually blog. Of course, right when I started getting into it, AAA shows up and opens my car door for me. But I suppose the app served its purpose cause here I am on my laptop, Charlie, typing away...