Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So it's been awhile since I posted anything. Even with the new Blogger app (finally) I just don't know what to say. The problem us that my life lately has been so pathetically mundane I haven't really had anything to talk about. If course, when I do have something I want to share I always have these grand plans about how I'm going to phrase things. Then I get to my computer and I can't make myself say more then "omg so awesome"

Like on Sunday. I went to Long Beach with friends and got to rent a Segway to explore the area with. It was my first time on a Segway and it was a lot of fun. They went faster then I expected, but in a way it's also a bit sad to be excited to be traveling at 12 MPH too... But it was a lot of fun, if I had the cash, I admit I would totally like to have one. I don't know where I would use it, cause I feel like, if I used it at malls where typically only security uses them, I'd come off like a giant douche...
Anyways after 2 hours on those suckers (I only tripped like 3 times and didn't eat it at all!), We got some Coldstones Ice Crem, mine was insane: cheesecake ice cream, oreo cookies, white chocolate chips, and caramel, we headed to a used bookstore. The Building they were using was an old Borders, till, you know, they went out of business... So that part was just a tiny bit "awww" inducing, but the best part was that everybook was selling for just a dollar. Paperback, Hardback, textbooks, bestsellers, Everything! I am so happy that that I didn't bring my wallet while Segway-ing, because that way I could only spend the small amount of many I had in my pocket, instead of, you know, my entire paycheck. And Since I had just bought some Coldstone Ice Cream that meant I had $12 in my pocket. So after spending a good 2 hours wandering the aisles I walked out with 11 books:

  • The Great Gatsby
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Thirteenth Tale
  • Every Boy's Got One
  • Catalyst
  • The Name of this Book is Secret
  • MLA Handbook 6th Ed
  • The Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • Killing me Softly
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • Rosemary and Rue
So I'm very excited about reading those, as soon as I find the time while reading Frankenstein for English class.

See? thats actually a pretty good day that I can make into a blog post. But for some reason when I tried writing it the first time it was no where near this long...

Sadly, I'm still at the phase where I have to force myself into blogging properly and not just thinking of doing it later.

Oh and as for the title today. I went to pick up my comics today; Batwoman, Superboy, and Batman and Robin, and when I purchased them and left I realized I didn't have my keys. When I walked into the Comic Book Shop I only had my wallet and my phone. I had stupidly left my keys in the car. D'oh!
Thankfully AAA has an iphone app that I could use to request service. And while I was waiting for someone to show up I ended up seeing it as a perfect excuse to actually blog. Of course, right when I started getting into it, AAA shows up and opens my car door for me. But I suppose the app served its purpose cause here I am on my laptop, Charlie, typing away...

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