Monday, April 19, 2010

Back Home, Bedroom Woes, LATFoB

Hey all!
So My Spring Break is over and done with, and its back to school. Spring Break was spent in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park with my Geology class, in what was basically an extended Lab. Some of the notes were interesting and some were deathly boring, but the Hikes were awesome! There was one hike where we traveled to a palm grove that was being fed from a spring. The best part there was an area of water that was about 3 ft deep, so what started as going in to just wet my legs turned into me jumping in fully clothed! And the water obviously felt great, and it was something so spontaneous and comepletely unlike me, but well worth it!
There were also a couple of F-16s flying by which, added with seeing the bad land topography that was used for the Soarin' Over California ride at Disney's California Adventure and at Epcot in Florida, made me wish I had the ride's soundtrack playing on a loop! I love camping in the desert, and although AB has Nothing on Death Valley, its still a great place to visit!
So before I left for my camping trip/really long lab class I had to completely empty out my bedroom because Dad was getting me new flooring, a new bed and a new dresser. He was gonna use the week i was gone to finish that up, the idea being that when I get back I would have my room all set up... except it totes wasn't. Just the new floor, but no bed and no dresser. My books and my desk, and basically everything else thats mine is either in the back yard or in the living room... My dad put in a mattress in the room so that i can sleep but other then that i don't really have a room now... which really sucks. I get home, and instead of heading to my room to go online or watch a movie or change or anything, I'm kind of stuck in the living room doing nothing... sigh.
Having a space to be completely alone is important to me, and i don't have it- I'm like a dog who's had their food bowl moved.
Some better news is that this weekend is the LA Times Festival of Books! I love going there every year! On Saturday I spend the whole day there alone checking out authors and stalls I want to see and not worrying about other people wanting to do other things... And on Sunday I go again after Mass, with my younger cousin Elizabeth who loves reading as much as I do! She looks forward to that as much as I do!
I still don't know which authors will be there, so i need to check cause if its someone I live I like taking my books there so I can get Author signatures! I also love finding new books that I never heard of before. LATFoB is responsible for introducing me to Terry Brooks and Steven Brust, I got to meet Kevin Smith and Wil Wheaton and its just a nice weekend with nothing but books, how can that turn out sucky?


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Take Out F.I.N.A.L.S. (or Frak I Never Actually Learned This Stuff)

To work as Takeout at BJ's I have to pass three tests. The haredest one (that I thought I'd majorly screw up on) was the food final. This 99 question test had obvious questions like how many wings come on the appetizer plate, or at what temp (for lack of a better word) do we cook our burgers. Things like that are basic, then there's questions like: Here's a list of ingrediants, which salad is this describing? And our salads have things like red onions, or green onions, sometimes different sauces/dressings or a blend of one, or the meat is cooked in a specific way. And these are a bit tougher cause there are obvious food items like meat or a specific dressing but not all of the ingrediants are obviously one type of salad or another... ask me to list which salads have red onions and which don't and i draw a blank... Thankfully it was a multiple choice test and I passed with 92% (I needed 90% to pass) So I have one more day of training in Take Out and then I'm officially cross trained So I can get scheduled as a Host or as Take Out, and I'm hopefully one step closer to becoming a server.

Of Course, its almost expected that I'll become trained as take out right before I leave for Anza-Borrego State Park for my Geology lab class... I'm gonna be gone for 4 days and when I come back I'll have forgotten everything and my managers will decide that I'm not a good fit for take out and maybe it was too soon to sort of promote me... OK so maybe not, but still it'll be 4 days that I don't get more practice.

In any case I am extremely excited about camping! I love camping in the desert. The weather has been mostly 80's but the rain here has made the temps there lower to 70's which is still nice, but it also means the the nights still dip into the 50's which sucks. I still think it sucks that I get the option of drinking every night taken away from me and replaced with copius amounts of notes (My Geo Prof is a HUGE structual fan.)

So recently My friend told me about a web comic that has fun with Epic Fantasy Aventures like LOTR made popular. It's called Looking For Group. And it is AMAZING!!! Cale may be the protagonist of the story but Richard is Barney Stinson to Cale's Ted- he ALWAYS steals the show. For such an evil guy he rocks! (Or is it that he rocks because he's so evil?)

Here watch this video Where Richard sings a song in the tune of "Part of your World" except its called: "Slaughter your World"

And if you liked that then start at the beginning of the comic HERE


Saturday, April 3, 2010

BMFA (or I try to...)

So apparently it's Blog Every Day in April time, but that's not gonna happen. But then, one of my fave internet celebs posted about BMFA or Blog More Frequently in April and I figured that was safe enough to attempt.

So I finally got a step up at work- I'm starting to train in Takeout, which is a step closer to being a server then I previously was. Its hard though- I have a final on our food on Monday and have memorized very little. Brute memorization is tough for me- I do better with repetition... hopefully i can get it though. In any case, the amount of support the servers and the other take-out people have shown me is very gratifying.

In 9 days my spring break will begin. But instead of waking up late and going out drinking everynight (ok well i wouldn't have gone every night, but the option was there) I'm going with my geology class camping to Anza-Borrego State Park. Now, don't get me wrong, I love camping, I love geology and I love my geology class, but I'm going to spend the one week school gives me for time off working. And again, alcohol is strictly forbidden cause its a school sanctioned trip. Plus I'm gonna miss Glee's big return to TV... I wanna know how Emma and Shue are going to act in school and if Quinn and puck are dating now... and what amazing songs they will sing!

So awesome news: I was looking for something to watch on Netflix and came across Season one of Xena: Warrior Princess on instant watch! I grew up watching this show. Xena was the first show that taught me that TV Shows have a specific schedule week to week. Before Xena it was turn on the TV and hope for something interesting, but when Xena came on it was Saturday Night 8pm every week. The show is amazing at being dramatic and serious even when some moments are so incredibly campy and comedic.

Well, back to my marathon watch!