Saturday, April 3, 2010

BMFA (or I try to...)

So apparently it's Blog Every Day in April time, but that's not gonna happen. But then, one of my fave internet celebs posted about BMFA or Blog More Frequently in April and I figured that was safe enough to attempt.

So I finally got a step up at work- I'm starting to train in Takeout, which is a step closer to being a server then I previously was. Its hard though- I have a final on our food on Monday and have memorized very little. Brute memorization is tough for me- I do better with repetition... hopefully i can get it though. In any case, the amount of support the servers and the other take-out people have shown me is very gratifying.

In 9 days my spring break will begin. But instead of waking up late and going out drinking everynight (ok well i wouldn't have gone every night, but the option was there) I'm going with my geology class camping to Anza-Borrego State Park. Now, don't get me wrong, I love camping, I love geology and I love my geology class, but I'm going to spend the one week school gives me for time off working. And again, alcohol is strictly forbidden cause its a school sanctioned trip. Plus I'm gonna miss Glee's big return to TV... I wanna know how Emma and Shue are going to act in school and if Quinn and puck are dating now... and what amazing songs they will sing!

So awesome news: I was looking for something to watch on Netflix and came across Season one of Xena: Warrior Princess on instant watch! I grew up watching this show. Xena was the first show that taught me that TV Shows have a specific schedule week to week. Before Xena it was turn on the TV and hope for something interesting, but when Xena came on it was Saturday Night 8pm every week. The show is amazing at being dramatic and serious even when some moments are so incredibly campy and comedic.

Well, back to my marathon watch!

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