Saturday, May 7, 2011

Not so Habit Forming, Eh?

They say that 20 days is all you need to make or break a habit. I had 30* and as soon as BEDA was over my mind decided to not remind me to blog... I guess I will always have to force myself a bit to start typing.
My 25th birthday was yesterday. I went to Disneyland with my friend Jen and then, that night, I went out dancing with my other friends Robin, Cassandra, and Denise, which was insanely fun! Its funny that back in highschool I was never that girl who loved to go dancing and I never thought I would be, I don't know how that changed but it did and now any excuse to go out with friends and dance will be taken.
I ended up sleeping over at Cassandra's place since after drinking there was no way I could drive home and I wasn't gonna try. This morning** after I left Cassandra's place I headed to the mall to get a giftcard for mom. I am the queen of last minute shopping, I once bought a friend his gift a half hour before I was supposed to be at his place....

Honestly nothing was done today, I legit spent the entire day on the computer not even doing anything productive, I was on Instructables looking at what people have made with paper. I made a couple of the easy ones like making a blank book out of one sheet of paper and a staple, or a box out of a post-it note, and I learned how to fold a letter into an envelope which I used with the letter I wrote for my friend Liz in FL who sent a birthday card for me. I love that I was able to fold the letter into an envelope, because the only time I have seen that done are in movies. Specifically, Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice :) I love it, its like I'm Lizzie sending a letter to Charlotte or Jane!

I work tomorrow at 7am (ah book keeping...) then I have Mass, and then the family will be coming over for my birthday, they usually give cash for presents and I plan on saving that for LeakyCon***


*well 27 since i missed 3 days...
**almost noon...
***66 days and counting

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