Friday, April 29, 2011

Another Lunch break post

Gah! I can't believe I forgot to BEDA yesterday... That really sucks. I also can't believe that April, and BEDA, is almost over. In a way it's a relief that I won't stress out about finding a half hour block to post, on the other hand, it was nice spending the day thinking about what to blog. Although I suppose now if I just blog every few days I can find more time to write it all out and not let it have that rushed feel that some of mine* had.

In some other news I went on a run yesterday, well a jog, but it was about 2 miles total. My legs are killing me today, and they scheduled me as a food runner, which means I just spend my entire shift walking from the kitchen to the tables loaded with heavy and hot plates of food. Don't get me wrong, I love food running shifts. I spend the entire time fetching things for other people and I love work like that, I'm good at it**.

Actually funny story about work. I was scheduled today at 4 like I always am, but usually I'm scheduled to be the Host, coordinating where people and reservations are sat. The hosts also have a slightly different dress code that is, especially for the females, usually nicer clothes. So I was in my black slacks and a nice short sleeve shirt. As a foodrunner I would be in my black dickies and a long sleeve button down shirt... Um oops. Thankfully none of the managers were too pissed about it, or pissed at all really, which is great cause normally they'd send me home to change. I'm still in my nice pants but I had a long sleeve shirt that wasn't button down. But on break (now actually) I went to get my headphones outta my car and I was looking in my trunk for a jacket but nstead found a brand-new black button down shirt. I bought it months ago bt since the material was subpar I was gonna return it and never got around to it. Total blessing in disguise, right?

Breaks almost over sadly, but on the plus side I'm not closing tonight! And tomorrow I'm taking the younger cousins to USC for the LA Times Festival of Books! Which is basically I giant book fair! Last year John Green was signing his latest book. This year I'm hoping to meet Jonathan Stroud, who wrote the Bartemaeus Trilogy which I adore!

Till Tomorrow,


*ok most. Or, you know, all of them...
**I don't know what that says about me...

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