But I really don't want to fail BEDA!!! Especially since this is the longest streak I've ever had! So today's Stats:
Breakfast: tea (English breakfast), scrambled eggs, orange juice, 2 oranges, and toast.
Clean: Not even a little. I completely fail at beng an adult
Reading: nope. Which is silly cause I'm reading another book By Carlos Ruiz Zafon called The Angel's Game which is so far very intriguing...
Watch: disc 3 and part of disc 4 of Friend's season 3. The Rachel/Ross breakup is still way intense.
Lunch: Ramon Noodle and juice. Completely undoing the good of breakfast, but that's normal for me...
Clothes: work clothes- black pants, black top. BJ's has completely ruined me for wearing black, the bastards.
Podcasts: so so behind but almost done with the back log of Views From a Longbox and it feels good go be listening to comic talk again.
Spending: well there's the plus of paying my phone bill, but the slight negative of buying a camcorder... Thankfully only $100 and takes SD cards instead of internal memory, which I just don't agree with...
Work: alright, but fellow host turning all crazy bitchy like, well, me, was quite bizarre. Thankfully she her shift was finished quickly after.
Tomorrow: late shift so I plan to clean. Will try to go running, want to eat healthier then I have been. AND NOT SPEND ANY $!!!!!
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