Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I hope I don't jinx it by mentioning this...

But I'm a bit surprised I haven't skipped a day if BEDA yet. I think last year I lasted like 2 days before I forgot a day... And then I never quite recovered. Maybe it's a sign that I can also finally do NaNoWriMo and win. Shocking, right?

So tomorrow I'm hitting brunch with my friends Cassandra and Liz. Liz is coming down from Arizona before she leaves to work in FL w, I think, sea turtles again. I still get pretty jealous that she's gotten to work with sea turtles! I might also go to Robin's house to catch her up on some more Doctor Who. She finished season 1 last week and I convinced her to at least watch the Christmas special with Tennant so she can meet the new Doctor*. And just like I expected she likes him very much. Eccleson will always be my Doctor, but there's just no denying 10's amazing charisma...

Speaking of Doctor Who I went ahead and bought the ongoing Comic book series. I sadly missed the very first issue, which is now sold out, but I got 2 and 3 which are parts 1 and 2 of a three part Jack the Ripper storyline. I'm liking it so far, but I want to read a few more issues before deciding to add it to my pull list.

Ahhh pull lists... I finally cleaned mine out and that only took like 6 months to do... I'm really gonna make the effort to stick to going once a week and not letting all those comics accumulate... Especially cause I'm still a few months behind on my reading. Oy...

Well look at that! A proper post!


*Not that I had to try to hard to convince her...

1 comment:

  1. I'm really interested in this; you are the first person I know that says that 9 is her Doctor.
    Maybe blog about it later this month?

    There is a Doctor Who comic book? Now that is something I can't get online w/out a CC.


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