Saturday, April 2, 2011

Let's just pretend this title is interesting...

Cause once again, I find myself having to update in-between events. This time it's after work and before a friend's bday party. A bunch of us, the Noble Crew (we all know each other from when we worked together at Barnes & Noble; the only place I've ever worked where the employees felt like honest-to-God family) are going out to celebrate with margaritas! And as excited as I am to see the gang again, I may be even more excited about FINALLY wearing my heels. Nude colored with that hidden platform in the toes that make them look more hardcore then they actually are. Bliss.

Mind you, what with working at 7am tomorrow this may not be one of my more intel ever ideas. Ah well, cute heels and margaritas. I'll live :)

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