Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tonight I'm going to need you all with me.

"I've been running. 
Faster then I've ever run, 
and I've been running my whole life. 
Now its time for me to stop."
-The Doctor


Basically, I just rewatched the episode and took notes on what was happening. Sorry if its lengthy, theres's just a lot I wanted to mention. So this blog reads as part play by play commentary and my theories thrown in from time to time.

 First thing I want to point out is that we find out that 2 months ago that the Doctor left Rory and Amy behind telling them he'd be in touch. I'm so used to 10 needing to be with people that this strikes me as incredibly odd. Was the Doctor just giving Amy and Rory time to be newly weds or did he actually want to be alone. And why?

Also when River first comes into the scene and she and the Doctor sync their diaries I was a little pissed off that they had adventures that we didn't get to see. I mean, I know why that is now, but still I was a bit pissed...

And as for the Doctor's "running" quote, 10 has said the same too- he's been running ever since he was 8 years old and looked into time, eternity, whatever that was. So is his need to stop something to do with that? With Gallefrey and his past, or is this something new that's made the doctor see how much running he's done his life and now wants to stop. But what does that mean for the Doctor? What does "stop running" mean? No more adventures, no more TARDIS, a normal life? The one Adventure he can never have?

And then they move to their picnic near a lake. Which, I'm sorry, looks like no where on earth I've ever seen... seriously, that place looks more like a different planet then anything here. The water is too still and the moon too bright...

Then we find out that the Doctor is 1103 years old and mentions that Amy has put on a few pounds... Does he know what Amy will reveal to his past self? If he does then he's just following the timeline and wants to change something at a later point in time, but if he doesn't know then wouldn't that mean that he's completely changing everything in the past? I also can't tell if the Doctor knows that Amy has seen the alien or if he just thinks theres something weird that just happend. The expression on his face is way too subtle for me to figure out.

And I can't help but notice that River is surprisingly quiet throughout this scene. From what we later learn we know that she and the Doctor are travelling at opposite ends so right now River knows almost everything about the Doctor, while he knows so very little. Does she know that there is something wrong with what he's saying? That this is the calm before the storm?

And then that Astronaut shows up, and the Doctor sounds so sad when he tells them that they can't interfere no matter what, and of course to the Astronaut he says: "It's OK, I know it's you." And here's my theory that it might be River Song who kills him, as she of course, kills the best man she ever knew, and who could that be but the Doctor? We have so little info and the time doesn't seem to add up but this has been a theory ever since 5th season, one a friend of mine mentioned and made the most sense to me...
And then as the Doctor and the Astronaut are talking it looks as though the Doctor may be scolding the Astronaut with the pointing and the gesturing. And then he drops his head, like a kid in trouble. and again, he looks so sad.

And I know that Matt Smith was signed on for the whole season, and I've heard he was contracted for 3 total, but I still freaked out when he got shot and started to regenerate, and of course he got shot again and then River said he didn't get a chance to move to the next version and I almost began crying...

And then we find out he's not dead. And River's line: "This is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold." I would have slapped him more then once.

Poor River, trying to hold on to her Doctor and seeing their shared memories forgotten. It's The Silence in the Library all over again.

Later on the TARDIS when everyone leaves the Doctor cause they're cross with him, I think he looks a little scared. With Rory and Amy, and even River they wouldn't have much idea of what's going on, but this is the Doctor, and he's so very clever. He can put the universe together with just a few fragmented pieces. What does he think is going on, and why does he look scared, instead of confused about how everyone's acting or even a little distrusting of the whole situation. Why does he look scared? What has he figured out just by watching?

Did he spend those 200 years alone, only to contact them at the end? Or did they have this adventure with him already and he's just changing things to tweak the outcome? And what is the outcome? If it's not the Doctor's style to be avenged or saved then what is? The only thing I can think of is fixing something or saving the world. We saw the Doctor get killed, but that didn't destroy the world. Is it the Aliens and the "Revolution" mentioned in the trailer. Is he fixing History by getting rid of those aliens? Is that what needs to happen?

"He's interacted with his own past. He could rip a hole in the universe."
"He's done it before."
"And, in fairness, the universe did blow up."
Good ol' Rory :)
Why is he interacting with his past when he knows its so dangerous. It's like his whole "Time Lord Victorious" moment from before and we all know that didn't end too well. Does he still think that as the last Time Lord he's now above the rules, or has he just learned, through trial and error, how close to line he can get without screwing everything up?

Then we get that scene where the Doctor isn't going to 1969 because of some mysterious summons and River tries to get him to trust her but he won't. He flirts with her and jokes with her, but still doesn't trust her, and while I love River and really think she's one of the good guys. He's smart to want to know the answers. But if the writers turn around and have her be some enemy I'll have to hunt them down... But this scene. With what he says, with all his bitterness coming to light, and he is really bitter, he just hides it by being ridiculous, add Murray Gold's fantastic music and how the Doctor's voice gets all quiet... This scene gives me chills... I love it.

Of course followed up by one of the funniest moments in this episode with the Doctor trying to be all impressive about the TARDIS and River quietly fixing his mistakes :)

And a quick jump ahead since we've heard the phone call. The Space man the girl is scared of, its not the person in the spacesuit cause apparently thats her, so I think the Space man is either the Doctor, who's been called that before, or maybe the alien things. Its more likely to be the Doctor though, unless somehow that little girl is able to remember the Aliens even when they're not around, although that can be possible since that girl can't be what she seems to be. There's just too much weird around her.

"They're American!"
"Don't Shoot, dont shoot!"
yeah we're just crazy gun shooting cowboys, aren't we ;)

And then Amy sees the Alien again and forgets again, and shouldn't she be protected by that sort of thing since she's a time traveler?

And when she sees it in the restroom again and it kills Joy. That was way creepy, and did that security guard not hear Amy scream? What good is he then?

And then we get to Florida and Cantor is finding out more and more about the Doctor and the TARDIS, "Like your wheels." He's just so calm and cool about it, i love it!

"I'm quite the Screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you!" I LOVE RIVER SONG

Even though Rory didn't want to go in the tunnel, he seems a lot less useless then he used to be. Despite not having the big moments (and how could he with Amy and River there?) I really liked him in this episode. Before I kinda got the feeling that he was there because Amy is. He was just tagging along like Mickey did without being the tin dog. But then that scene with him and River and he's talking to her, it fleshes him out more, like he isn't just there, but wants to be and can be friends with the Doctor and River. Not just Amy's husband.

Of course talking to River, we get that heartbreaking line:

"The day is coming when I'll look into that man's eyes, my Doctor, and he won't have the faintest clue who I am.

"And I think it's going to kill me."

And then we get that lightening show and we have no clue if Rory's been hurt, and he better not have been. Although truth be told I don't think he has been, cause they already killed him last season, are they really going to do that again?

Meanwhile, with seconds left in the episode, Amy gives her grand reveal: She's Pregnant! And I freaked out again. In the very back of my mind, when Future Doctor mentioned that Amy gained some weight I thought "Maybe she's pregnant" But I didn't actually think that was true!!!

But here's something. Amy is pregnant. She's been feeling a little ill from time to time, but the first time it happened was after the alien. But the second time she's ill it wasn't from just seeing the Alien. So maybe those ill feelings were baby by nature and not the alien. Plus if it was from the alien wouldn't it make sense for their heads to be affected since its their brains that are getting tampered with? Plus wouldn't everyone be feeling ill? Joy didn't, but then she died really quickly. Rory didn't feel ill either. The only other person who had a sick to their stomach feeling was River. If the illness isn't because of the aliens, River might be pregnant too. Mind you this might be reaching, as clearly it wasn't the Doctor and since they're "together" I don't see River shacking up with whoever, plus she's been in jail... But still, imagine if she was?

Finally at the very end, we see the space suit and Amy reaches for the gun and in my head I'm going "Don't do it!!!" But its too late, we see the child in the suit and Amy doesn't stop herself in time and both she and the Doctor scream.... and that's it. Episode one is done.

There's still so many questions going on, and I can't believe that they're starting this season off with a 2 parter, jerks.

And next weekend I'll be at the LA Times Festival of Books at USC so I'll have to wait till like Monday to watch the episode... Oi.

1 comment:

  1. I completely forgot about him telling Amy she had put on a few pounds. Now this changes my theory.


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