Sunday, April 3, 2011

Favorite book

Why is it that when I'm away from my computer I have all sorts of ideas for what to blog about, but the second I fire up the laptop (Charlie), I end up staring at this blank page for ages????

Right. I have been staring at this screen for 10 minutes now! (ok fine, 5. But Still!)

Right, right. ok, here's something. My favorite book is Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It was first published in Spain but has since become an international best seller. It reads like a fantasy story with magic around every corner, but this book is firmly set in the mundane. It has not one magic spell in it. Its gothic and dark. Part mystery, part romance. And the writer- he writes with such skill, and honestly, he writes stories in the way that I have always wanted to write stories. Bloody fantastic, I tell you.

Anyways, I bring that book up because for the longest time, when ever I'm looking for a new book to buy the same thought crosses my mind. Over and over like its on repeat: I wish I never read Shadow of the Wind. And I know that makes no sense at first, but think about it. If I had never read then I could be a bookstore right now looking for something to read and by chance pick it up and then i would have the greatest pleasure of reading it for the first time all over again. And I want that so freaking bad!! I know rereading gives you the chance to pick up on things you missed the first time, but its almost always the first time reading something that determines if you'll fall in love with it. And with Shadow of the Wind I fell hard. Pretty much as hard as I did when I discovered Harry Potter all those years ago. And that is saying something :)



  1. That must be a really good book. I have yet to find a book that does that for me, that isn't Potter. I got The Weight of Silence a few years back, I just picked a book from an ¨unfamiliar¨ part of the bookstore (I'm always in Fantasy) and got a great surprise. But I'm not sure it is my favorite.

    Did I save a kitten?

  2. kitten saved and I'm happy! *happy dance commences*


drop me a line and save a kitten... or you know, make a fangirl happy.