Saturday, April 9, 2011

Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?

I worked from 7am to 3:50pm today. The first 4 hours was taking care of the bookkeeping, after that I was in takeout. Which was really slow, especially cause Frank was scheduled to work with me and you really don't need to people at takeout on Saturday during the lunch shift. The worst part was splitting the tips. I got $18 instead of $27. Oh well, hopefully it won't be a permanent thing. After work I rushed home to change, cause tonight, me and Cassandra are going to Disney's* California Adventure to dance at ElecTRONica in the Hollywood Studios Backlot. ElecTRONica is basically a nightclub (yes with alcohol) with a Tron Theme.

They first started the nightclub concept last summer with their GlowFest. Basically the same as ElecTRONica but with a neon color scheme (instead of ElecTRONica's blue and black color scheme). But while that one was just all dancing, ElecTRONica also had a sneak peek at Tron: Legacy, a pretty swank bar to hang out at, and Flynn's. Ok so if you haven't seen the first Tron film. The protagonist of the story owned an arcade called Flynn's and it played a pretty critical role in the sequel. And Disney, geniuses that they are, recreated the arcade at DCA. The best part was that they didn't fill it with all the currant games that everyone is playing. Oh no, the arcade had all the classic games the the generation before me (and partly mine as well) enjoyed. Games like the first Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Pong, Pac-Man, Galaxian, etc etc. Truly fantastic games from my childhood that I sucked at** but really loved. And to top it off, Disney bought the old change machines and made special Flynn arcade tokens. So just like in the 80s and early 90s you put a buck into the machine and got back 4 tokens to play with. A lot of people consider ElecTRONica superior to GlowFest and while I never got to experience GlowFest, I don't imagine they're wrong. I haven't heard it officily confirmed, and I heard it from a work buddy, and not from the few podcasters and/or twitter accounts who always seem to get their facts starlight, but apparently, when ElecTRONica comes to an end on Labor day*** GlowFest will make a reappearance, I hope they add to it to make it more then just a club though... But since it's not attatched to a movie I have no idea what they can add...

Well Cassandra should be here soon so I'll say bye now. Talk to you later!


*I know Disney has altered their brand recently and they've dropped the "'s" but honestly, I grew up calling everything Disney's. I don't plan on changing that anytime soon...
**a skill level I have never gone passed. Seriously, my hand eye coordination SUCKS
***this is how popular ElecTRONica ended up being: it was only supposed to last ti early January, then mid march, then spring time, and finally Labor Day. No complaits from me :)

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