Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's the time of the season

It was such a nice day, but it so sucks that no matter how warm it is during the day its always so cold at night. I'm just looking forward to when i could put my heavy blanket away, sleep with a thin sheet and still need to open a window. And I swear if our Summeris anything like last years I will cry. It was so pathetic!!! It makes me want to rip my hair out anytime I think of it. It hardly ever got past the mid 70s and for me, summer is mid 80 to 90s. I still had a jacket cause even though it was in the 70s the ocean breeze made it feel colder :-/

Ooh! My room is clean! Just one load of laundry left and I'm done! just in time for Spring Break... to end... ah well. I still have tomorrow, well till work at 4... working 6 days is great for my paycheck, not so much for being in my 20s and supposed to live life like its a party...

I don't know why but I'm not feeling the blog tonight. Seriously, I've deleted and rewritten this post 3 times. First time thats happened to me. Usually if i push myself I tend to get a groove going. But tonight? Nothing...

ah well,

night all


1 comment:

  1. We've had warm days and warm nights here, I wished I could sleep with the windiw opened, damn mosquitos bites.


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