Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In which work gets in the way again, and I offer another excuse

I had the short shift at work so I thought I'd have enough time to post Monday's blog today, but the host who was scheduled to come in at 4, and also close the restaurant decided to not show up and also never called a manager to let them know they weren't going to show so instead I got asked to close. So she's on the list now*.

So hopefully tomorrow I will post Monday's blog. I really really wanna share it with you too! Spoiler: it's in the form of pictures :)

I'm halfway thru The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and I went ahead and picked up another one of his books The Prince of Mist which is a children's book and was written first. I'm very curious to see how different his style is when writing for a different audience.

Thankfully tomorrow I have the day off but I do have Mass so I'll try to get my blog post out before then.

Till then,


*I didn't know I had a list

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