Sunday, April 24, 2011

aww crap...

I did forget to BEDA yesterday. I couldn't remember at all whether I did or not... So FREAKING close to actually blogging once a day for a whole month! that sucks.

In other news, I apparently take Lists waaay too seriously. I wanted to post a quick top 5 movies list but I only got to 1 and 2... maybe 3... after then I keep changing my mind and forgetting movies I've seen and wondering about the movies I haven't..

I know that Shawshank Redemption gets top billing, and Lion King probably comes right after*, but then I don't know if Casablanca is 3rd and I draw a complete blank after that... What do you think... whats in your top five and whats missing from mine?

Of course Doctor Who season 6 began yesterday! I've seen the episode twice now and I have no clue what to make of it. I know it's got me looking forward to next saturday, but there's so much I want to know. But I think I will wait till tomorrow to post for fear of spoiling those who do not watch.

I know, I know, we all wanna talk DW but think if you accidentally got spoiled on such a brilliant show, how sucky would that be? Although I will say this, I don't think I noticed it in S5 but does it seem that 11 has the same bitterness that 10 noted in 9? After losing Rose***, losing Donna, after his hold "Time Lord Victorious" moment of insanity, after regenerating when he didn't want to... I think he's bitter again... I only hope that River is somehow to fix that, like Rose first did... I am one of the millions who have decided that River and The Doctor are definitely married at some point...

Well In any case, Its Easter Sunday**** so I'm off, plus I'm a bit tired.



* Don't laugh. Its an amazing film with wonderful art, intense drama**, and a fantastic score.

**yes drama. Don't tell me you don't get a little weepy when Mufasa dies...

***TWICE :(

**** HAPPY EASTER!!!!!


  1. I think they are married, and I don't know why that doesn't bother me. Maybe because I know Rose has the other Doctor but this contradicts what I posted the other day.

  2. I know how you feel about lists, I've been trying to figure out my top ten favorite comic characters and while the first three are easy (or six since number one has four way tie, hey, it's my list! ;) ) after that it gets harder. Honestly I can only think of 2 more that make the list, so I could make it a top five but it just feels like there should be more in there.

    Happy Easter again! And is it Saturday yet? I need to watch more Doctor Who!


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