Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pool party

It was a surprise birthday party for two family members: my Tia Cecilia and my cousin Francisco. The pool is pretty but very cold, so I decided to not go in.

And like every family function I find my self inside, alone, and reading. There really isn't much I to talk to my family about so conversations end quickly and I'm left sitting and eating chips with nothing else to do. And that's usually when I end up opening my book, or in this case, turning on my nook.

And of course, the longer I stay in here, the more awkward it will be when I finally emerge and the entire family will spend, quite literally, hours exclaiming about where I've been, and how come I'm not in the pool, and have I eaten yet...

And that's why I'm blogging in the living room instead of out by the freezing cold pool.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Great Rewatches

Hey guys!

So I've been going back and forth with the idea of a rewatch. I did quite a bit of Doctor Who but as soon as I got to season 4 it got hard. The next episode is Turn Left and I can't get myself to press play. I love Donna and I love The Doctor, but I especially love them together and I absolutely believe that their friendship is the reason the ten became my Doctor despite meeting nine first.

So not ready to say goodbye again I turned to the other 2 fandoms I wanted to rewatch: Harry Potter and Smallville. I have the same problem with both that I did with Doctor Who: I'm not ready to say goodbye. Despite the fact that I had 10 wonderful years with both I still didn't want either of them to leave. I've only seen HP 7 1+2 only once each: midnight showings opening day, and Smallville Seasons 8,9, and 10 have been bought but still unwatched. I mean, I saw the episodes weekly but when the seasons were released on DVD I usually automatically do a rewatch but I hadn't for those seasons despite being absolutely fantastic. But since I had already marathoned How I Met Your Mother I needed to suck it up and watch something. So I ended up with smallville. Since I've rewatched season 1 so many times and my firend Ashlyn has my season 2 (also rewatched countless times) I decided to start on Season 3. It's fun to see Lex again, and the Magnificent Bastard the Lionel Luthor was back then. Lana isn't nearly as annoying as she later became, and seeing Pete "The Boss" Ross was just weird. And, of course, I love, absolutely Love Chloe, and seeing Jonathan and Martha again just brings a smile to my face even though I keep flashing forward to season 5, especially after Jonathan's heart attack.

I know eventually I'll have to suck it up and say goodbye to 10 and deal with all those deaths in Harry Potter. But right now, I'm just happy seeing Clark Kent, little by little, adventure after adventure, become the Man of Tomorrow again.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Postcrossing Update

So I've been doing this postcard thing. Its from this site where the idea is you send postcards to random people from around the world and in return you receive postcards from other randome people from different places around the world. I like this site cause, as readers of this blog know, I'm not a constant enough person to penpal back and forth to a single person for very long. With postcrossong, I say a little with words, but more with pictures. I love seeing the different postcards from around the world, all these places I will never see.

Anyways I let it fall by the wayside a bit since November with the holidays and such so today I decided to get caught up. I registered the cards I had receive but hadn't yet listed, and then I used my remaining 6 international stamps to get more addresses to send to. This time around I got people in Australia, Finland, Russia, The Netherlands, Austria, and The Republic of Belarus. Tomorrow I need to stop by the post office and pick up more stamps for international postcards. I have stamps for US shipping and Mexico/Canada but I have yet to get an address from anywhere in Mexico or Canada. But I'm so looking forward to the day when I do! I'll have a little party in my head!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years

Ooh look at all the dust here! Excuse me please...

Okay, I'm back. Whew those spaces between posts get so dusty, huh?

Well Happy New Years guys! I can't believe its 2012 already, its a little insane. But I am looking forward to this year. Getting further in my classes now that I'm actually taking them seriously. Getting better at my job (I'm a good server, but I'd like to be one of the awesome ones... probably cause I was one of the "awesome ones" as a Host, at Take-out, and as a Food Runner, its a pride thing, you know?) I can't wait to enjoy a long weekend of Young Adult fiction and Harry Potter at this year's LeakyCon in Chicago- especially since I already payed for the tickets to the event, got my room and roommates all situated, and have my plane ticket bought (it'll be my first time flying Virgin America, I'm so excited). I even have a ball gown in mind in case I don't buy and dark green one that I want to find. All thats left is to pay for the hotel room itself and wait for August.

Thankfully theres stuff I do to pass the time, like swing dancing at Disneyland which I plan on doing almost every Saturday as long as there aren't pressing matters, but as far as anyone else is concerned I'm busy Sat nights :) Plus I'm gonna be reading a lot. And I do mean A Lot. I don't read nearly as much as I used to and that depresses me a bit. But I'm 2/3s of the way through one of the books my friend lent me ages ago. Its a rather good vampire story called Sunshine that also has quite a number of other supernatural creatures. It's quite good and for once the human boy is not automatically upstaged by hot vampire boy...

Anyways, I only had like 4 hours of sleep, so I'm turning in for the night. I'll be back as soon as I have a story to tell. And hopefully thats sooner rather then later.