Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years

Ooh look at all the dust here! Excuse me please...

Okay, I'm back. Whew those spaces between posts get so dusty, huh?

Well Happy New Years guys! I can't believe its 2012 already, its a little insane. But I am looking forward to this year. Getting further in my classes now that I'm actually taking them seriously. Getting better at my job (I'm a good server, but I'd like to be one of the awesome ones... probably cause I was one of the "awesome ones" as a Host, at Take-out, and as a Food Runner, its a pride thing, you know?) I can't wait to enjoy a long weekend of Young Adult fiction and Harry Potter at this year's LeakyCon in Chicago- especially since I already payed for the tickets to the event, got my room and roommates all situated, and have my plane ticket bought (it'll be my first time flying Virgin America, I'm so excited). I even have a ball gown in mind in case I don't buy and dark green one that I want to find. All thats left is to pay for the hotel room itself and wait for August.

Thankfully theres stuff I do to pass the time, like swing dancing at Disneyland which I plan on doing almost every Saturday as long as there aren't pressing matters, but as far as anyone else is concerned I'm busy Sat nights :) Plus I'm gonna be reading a lot. And I do mean A Lot. I don't read nearly as much as I used to and that depresses me a bit. But I'm 2/3s of the way through one of the books my friend lent me ages ago. Its a rather good vampire story called Sunshine that also has quite a number of other supernatural creatures. It's quite good and for once the human boy is not automatically upstaged by hot vampire boy...

Anyways, I only had like 4 hours of sleep, so I'm turning in for the night. I'll be back as soon as I have a story to tell. And hopefully thats sooner rather then later.


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