Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time Gone By and Future Plans.

After my totally awesome trip to WDW (except for the heat and coming home sick- damn you Florida) I have ended up back at school, Health test today (i hope i get a B at least) have to make up a Geo test, and catch up on online homework. Plus I need to (finally) watch Watchman. And clean up my room- I think my laundry is mutating again.

Last week on Sunday, I went to Disneyland. My friend was going with her friends from work to check out the new Halloween stuff going on and she invited me too. So I got to see the new Fireworks show and ride Space Mountain: Ghost Galaxy. The fireworks were cool, except we were way back in Main Street (so not my Idea cause I always stand close to the castle) so I want to go back so that I can get a better look at the globe with Jack's and all the Villain's faces and also see Zero fly from up close. The fireworks were very Similer to WDW's Hallowishes, but we have that cool globe thing...

Ghost Galaxy was meh. Not worth the 65 min wait. In the beginning it was cool but there was just the one creature swiping at you over and over again, and it got old fast. As far as Space Mountain Promos go I like Rockin' Space Mountain a lot better. BUT, at night, the white building itself is pretty badass. They have all these starange creepy lighting on the building that slowly changes in color and texture. This goes on for about 10 minutes, and then you get these roughly 30 second moments of something happening to space mountain. Like something on the inside puching the building with so much force that it is cracking. Or something is slashing at the building or an alien invasion seems to be occuring, or strange lights are moving up... seriously cool.

I also FINALLY saw Murphy during Fantasmic! (Murphy being the nickname of the Dragon that was suppose to debut at the beginning of Summer for SummerNightastic) a little stiff but it is so great to see Maleficant actually turn into a dragon! and it is nice to see a really well created dragon, as opposed to the previous version, Bucky, who, bless her soul, was nothing more then a really cool looking head, a crane, and a lot of fabric...

Oh, so I've done it- for the 1st time ever I'm going to participate in National Novel Writing Month that happens every year in November. 50,000 in 30 days or 1,667 words a day. Thats roughly 175 pages. So a short Novel (or Novela). I don't know what I'm going to write about, but I think it will be Fantasy genre. Maybe soemthing like Kyo Kara Maoh where the "chosen one" is sent to live on Earth and then must return to their world to save it. I know for sure it will be a female protagonist... i can't pre write anything before November but i can think and plan... and create characters and then make friends with them and imagine how they will react to my life and see how different they are. Especially the protagonist, whoever she is...

Its a good thing I don't have to start until November, cause i have roughly 15 days to write not only my comic review for, but also i want to finish my review of Geek Out Loud podcast (the official podcast of, and I need to write a short scary story for the Halloween issue... no clue what to do for that, maybe a haunted house story...

Well in any case that's life for now. Its gonna get crazy in like 5 seconds so I'm heading out. Peace out, y'all

Keep each other safe, Keep faith

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The End

It's Wednesday, we leave Florida today. It'll be nice to be back in LA with weather I'm familiar with, and my own room and bed. I want to begin feeling out who'd want to go to Disneyland with me and when (hopefully soon). I want to get back into the groove of my life. I guess the fact that I'm not dreading real life means this vacation did a good job of relaxing me but not making me wish my life were different. After all, vacations are temporary few and far in between.
But enough about that. The trip itself was great! We hit all four parks and saw the shows and rode the rides, and had great food too! My absolute favorite ride was Rock 'n Rollar Coaster at Hollywood Studios and my favorite park? Well, that ones a bit harder to answer because each park had something amazing and something meh. But I guess my fave would be either Magic Kingdom or Hollywood Studios.
It was cool to compare DLR with WDW seeing which park did what better (or worse) and how the same idea ends up very differently. I think that while no park is better then the other (after all they each have their pluses and minuses) I still am happy to be closer to Disneyland. Maybe it's a comfort thing, or because DL is easier to manage, I'm not sure. And again I've been to DLR many many times and this is only my first trip to WDW- maybe if I had the opportunity to visit both parks a lot my mind would change. But right now I can say that Disneyland still has my heart.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Counting Down

Its just about 4pm... my flight is at 10:15pm tomorrow night, which gives me... 30 hrs and 15 minutes before i'm on a plane heading to Florida and WDW!!!! I'm half way through with packing and i 'm 3/4s finished with cleaning my room. Just the desk area and vacuuming left. Which is good cause mom has threatened to clean my room if I leave for Florida and its a mess. And her idea of cleaning my room is to take everything she thinks is messy, ie anything not bolted down, and pile it on my bed. And i'm coiming home at 9pm. The last thing I want to do at 9pm is have to clean in order to sleep. fuck that. so i'm cleaning now. Well, obviously not now, rght now i'm typing and listening to music.

30 hrs and 14 minutes...

I also need to finish my article for the Webzine I'm a writer for

And I want to finish up my History homework so I don't have to worry about it while I'm on the trip.

I bought a kensingtion portable iphone charger to take with me, so that if my phone's battery dies i can just plug in the kensington and be set. I have a couple of friends who used it at Comic-Con and loved it. And it wasn't one of the $90 ones either so thats a plus.

30 hrs and 10 minutes... times like these I wish I owned a DeLorean...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Walt Disney World

So I'm going on a 6 day trip, I'm leaving Thursday night and I'm SOOOOO excited!! Its my first time going, and I'm going with one of my closest firends, Choster. We have a general plan of attack (reservations for reataurants, which park we're visiting on what day, what we NEED to see *country bears* and what to avoid *um... alomost nothing?* etc), but the tiny tidbits are left to adventure, but here are some things I personally need/want to check out or do:

1. Goodnight Kiss (the cinderella castle lights up at the end of the day apparently)

2. Buy a WDW pin- I don't trade for them at DL cause it seems weird to have a pin for something I've never seen...

3. Autographs!- I need to get an autograph book and get the autographs of WDW Mickey, Minnie, and all the rest

4. Get a first time badge

5. Pictures, lots and lots of pictures.

6. Firworks shows, fantasmic! and what ever pareade they have going (oh wait, the parade is that dance party isn't it? hmm, scratch that.)

Obviously there are rides too, but you know, duh. of course i'm going on thoses. these are just the extra stuff i'm looking forward too.


I think this is where my fangirl personality really started. Junior year of Highschool, waiting eagerly for the 5th Harry Potter book, one of my friends showed a rather smutty (and slash) fanfic. I had never really heard of people writing stories using characters the already existed. I went online more and more following this discovery looking up story after story. Really it was those fanfics that got me more comfortable with the internet, more likely to kill time by clicking around. And after that, every new topic of interset led me online to search. From fanfics to fansites to news sites to forums. From Disney to Heroes and comicbooks, to apple keynote speeches and various bloggers and vloggers. Everything that has me squeeing led to a new bookmark which turned me even more excited and more obsesive. The internet is a great way to keep obssessions alive... and it started with a fanfic.