Tuesday, August 10, 2010

i hate trying to think up witty titles...

Ok so clearly BEDA totally didn't work for me... sigh I think the big problem is that I keep treating this blog like a diary, and sadly my life is, well, it's Boring I'm always so impressed with all the blogs I follow cause they're ability to come up with creative and intelligent blogs, so when I put mine out, it alway feels so... meh.

I could probably do better if I had a set of topics to choose from, the way the 5AG do for their vids... but having to come up on my own with something creative and interesting? yeah, not so much.

Anyways, today I did something I have been dying to do since I got my driver's license- head over to Palos Verdes and drive over Portuguese Bend! Ok, so those who don't live down here are probably going, um... what? ok, please forgive this very basic and not at all complete explantion, but: Palos Verdes is a city on a hill overlooking the ocean- the hill was caused due to uplifting, so a lot of it is made mostly of sediments that used to reside under the ocean so the ground isn't that stable, so PV gets a lot land slides and such- Portuguese Bend is an area that the movement happens a lot so much so that the pipes in this area can't be contained underground cause the movement would cause them to burst. Anyways, they keep having to pave the road over and over cause all the movement but it is soooo fun to drive it cause the bumps are like rollar coaster bumps and the turns are a little crazy too! Sadly (for me, not for the people living in PV), Portuguese Bend only lasts like .08 of a mile, but its a hoot!

Driving PV is always nice cause its got a great view of the Pacific, and on a clear day like today you could see all the way to Catalina Island. And the Water! It was so blue! Like something out of the Caribbean, not our polluted filled waters...

Sadly, the view only reminded me of how I haven't been to the beach once this Summer. I mean I went once to the beach but it was only to tan. I have yet to actually get in the ocean, which is so unlike my friends and I. But the weather hasn't been agreeing either, at least not for me, I love getting into the water when its high 70's and 80's but the Summer has yet to deliver these conditons, its mostly high 60's and low 70's. So while it looks like perfect LA weather, it sure doesn't feel that way. I sure hope I get at least one day in the water this summer...

Well, hopefully I'll blog tomorrow.
Till then,

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