Saturday, August 14, 2010

Something I Love

     Ok, so since I have wifi and Im actually able to blog from Charlie (my laptop) instead of Albus (iphone),  I figured in celebration I would post another blog tonight. 

     So something I love is Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. 

     A TV show on NBC that aired on Mondays right after Heroes. Sadly it only lasted one season but I enjoyed every moment of it. It was smart and it was funny and it had such a way of going back and forth between drama and comedy that just worked. And what comedy! even now, hundreds of rewatches later some of those lines still make me LOL, and they had such sweet romantic moments too. I love Matt and Harriet and Danny and Jordan was unexpected but so perfect! 

     My favorite Episodes Have to be Nevada Day Part I, Nevada Day Part II, and The Christmas Show. The first two is just a crazy ride and the Christmas Show also had some great lines as well as a lot of emotion. 

     If you've never seen this tv show I highly recommend you give it a shot. I'm watching it right now and I couldn't be happier <3

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