Sunday, August 1, 2010


And damn it I will succeed!!! 31 posts in 31 days and I'm not gonna let mundane life get in the way of blogging either. If I can't talk about my day cause its so boring (a common occurrence) then i will find something to blog about! Even something like a picture, or a link, or a song, even.

Speaking of mundane days, today was pretty mundane. My Sundays are all the same now- Work, Mass, True Blood. I'm not complaining mind you. Its great to work but not have to actually work in the front of the restaurant- no guests to greet and quote times to meet, no large parties to set up, no one to yell at me. I just get in, count money, organize papers, and get out! Plus I get a free meal out of it- Chili fries today and the manager treated me to Starbucks! <3

Its weird though, since I do have a position where I have more responsibility and because I am constantly in the manager's office I hear so much crap now- not even about the servers and hosts and stuff, but like about other managers- one manager can't stand another, another gets annoyed when so and so does this, and the number of eff-bombs that were dropped today? yowza. Of course when I first got the bookkeeping position I was told that I would be hearing a lot of stuff that should never be repeated. Today kinda proved it. :)

But, you know, I don't mind not getting to tell any one cause I'm just excited I get to hear it in the first place. I'm not a huge gossiper, in that, I don't repeat what I hear, but I LOVE to hear other people's secrets even if I don't do anything with the information except forget after a few days... I just like knowing things.

Song Stuck in my head

BEDA- Day 1 Complete!

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