Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things II

Some more things that I enjoy, again, in no particular order

How I Met Your Mother
BBC's Sherlock
Downton Abbey
Blank Sheets of Papers
Apple Products
Plaza Garden on Saturday nights
Hard wood floors
Jack Vettriano

A Few of My Favorite Things

(in no particular order)

Wizard Rock
Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Red Lipstick
Frank Sinatra
The Muppets
PB&J Sandwiches
Cute Boys
Art Museums

Friday, October 7, 2011


I'm at in n out. They're calling number 39 and I'm 47. There's about 3 hours left of driving when I finally get on the road, but for now I'm just waiting for my burger.
The drive so far is going well. My car, Elvie, isn't protesting at all and it's not too hit out so she's not over heating. There wasn't much traffic out in the first leg, which thankfully meant that a few of us cars were able to spend the time trying to outdrive the rest of us. There were a pair if motorcycles, that anytime I'd outstrip I'd be driving on my way and then I'd look back and they would once again have snuck up on me...

Ooh foods ready!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

We're gonna rock around the clock

I'm heading to Vegas tomorrow. Driving 5 hours from LA to visit my BFF Cassandra! The interesting part for me will be the fact that I'll be making this trip solo, and to date, it'll be my longest solo trip yet. So I have my iPhone up to date with music and podcasts to keep me occupied. My parents are worried of course. They seem to imagine everything that can go wrong will go wrong, nevermind my oil was recently changed, dads gonna check the water and tires tonight, I'm driving in the day time, AND i have AAA. Honestly I'm excited about this, but I love road trips so I'm treating this like an adventure.

I'm not entirely sure whats the whole plan while I'm there, but we are going to go to a My Chemical Romance/Blink 182 concert Friday night, and most likely go dancing Saturday night. And I'm very excited about both of them! Outside of Wizard Rock shows, this will be my first concert since Green Day did their American Idiot tour. And it'll be my first time going dancing since LeakyCon and I'm so looking forward to that. And I already know I'll be drinking so there's that to look forward to. I probably shouldn't be so excited about getting drunk, but I am. No idea how I should feel about that...

But thats all tomorrow; today I'm finishing packing and cleaning, going to Robin's to watch some Doctor Who (she's just started season 6 so we're almost finished), and reading some Frankenstein critiques so I can pull some quotes for my essay. The essay which is due on Monday, which means I want to be back home Sunday night by 8 so I have time to write it. Normally I'd think "No problem" but its been so long since I've written a proper essay that I'm just a bit hesitant. But then, my best essays are usually the ones I do in the middle of the night, so the time crunch should be inspiration enough to get through it. I suppose my biggest worry is how to organize my essay, because I already know I'm going to be writing a Disability Studies Critical Essay and I know what questions I want to answer and I know what quotes I'll be using from the book, I just have no idea how my intro and thesis will look and so I don't know how the rest of my paper will follow.

I also got my hair cut today, and while lately, my hair has always been kept short, I finally went for an honest-to-God pixie cut, which I've always wanted, but never quite managed, so little by little I've been telling my... hair cutter? beautician? stylist? the same girl I go to everytime I want my hair cut, to go shorter and shorter, and now its all pixie-ed! Thankfully I can still pull off Fedoras so that a complete win! Headbands, on the other hand, are more of a case by case basis. But at least theres a few that i can still use.

Actually I've been listening to podcasts all day so I may just have good music on my drive to Vegas... oops.


Monday, October 3, 2011

So here's something I learned today

That really made me stop and go "wait what?"

So we're in History class moving through the 1890's depression (which really sounds like our time right now: high unemployment, everyone watching the extravagances of the rich, wishing the government would do something, the government NOT doing something...) And we were talking about how the rich was still rich. Then the prof moves onto this ridiculous party the Vanderbilts had where their party favors were rubies, emeralds, and diamonds, and the prof just adds in "the Vanderbilts, who owned the titanic"

That completely blew my mind. I mean obviously someone had to be responsible for the ship and foot the bills but I always assumed it was a company who did that, like the White Star Line or something. But a freaking FAMILY owned that ship? I mean, if it hadn't sunk would it have been like their personal cruise ship or something? I know the Vanderbilts were ridiculously wealthy, but holy shit, thats insane!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Car Troubles and Comics

It's all grey and cold (for me) right now, so I've brought out my Slytherin scarf which makes me happy. Which is nice cause apparently locking my keys in the car is the new leaving my headlights on... This is the second time in 2 weeks. In fact it happened exactly last week. Comic Book Day us apparently not a good day for my car and I... :-/ The really sucky part is that I have no clue where my spare keys have gone so, again, I have to call AAA unless Campus Police can do something about it...

In other news some more of DC's new 52 are out today. I'm picking up Batman, Nightwing, Catwoman, Supergirl, and from not DC I'm getting TMNT. Unlike last week, I'm very excited about all the comics I'm picking up today and I've already read a good review for Batman #1 so, yay! I really hope they don't screw up Catwoman though. That line about how she's "obsessed" with Batman still pisses me off a bit. If she's obsessed with him then he's equally obsessed with her. They act like it's just CW who can't stop thinking about it... Ok, so more then just "a bit" pissed off...

Work tonight. I'm food running which is a pretty easy shift. I just hope the new manager isn't there. He annoys me. Although I admit new managers always annoy me, I don't like having to impress them from scratch, and he does things differently, and he hovers, and if I hear "in my old restaurant we..." one more time I will scream.

Although he does remind me of Hank Green which makes me feel guilty for not liking him...

Professor is late, and the more time goes by with him not showing up, the more I hope he doesn't show and we can leave early.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So it's been awhile since I posted anything. Even with the new Blogger app (finally) I just don't know what to say. The problem us that my life lately has been so pathetically mundane I haven't really had anything to talk about. If course, when I do have something I want to share I always have these grand plans about how I'm going to phrase things. Then I get to my computer and I can't make myself say more then "omg so awesome"

Like on Sunday. I went to Long Beach with friends and got to rent a Segway to explore the area with. It was my first time on a Segway and it was a lot of fun. They went faster then I expected, but in a way it's also a bit sad to be excited to be traveling at 12 MPH too... But it was a lot of fun, if I had the cash, I admit I would totally like to have one. I don't know where I would use it, cause I feel like, if I used it at malls where typically only security uses them, I'd come off like a giant douche...
Anyways after 2 hours on those suckers (I only tripped like 3 times and didn't eat it at all!), We got some Coldstones Ice Crem, mine was insane: cheesecake ice cream, oreo cookies, white chocolate chips, and caramel, we headed to a used bookstore. The Building they were using was an old Borders, till, you know, they went out of business... So that part was just a tiny bit "awww" inducing, but the best part was that everybook was selling for just a dollar. Paperback, Hardback, textbooks, bestsellers, Everything! I am so happy that that I didn't bring my wallet while Segway-ing, because that way I could only spend the small amount of many I had in my pocket, instead of, you know, my entire paycheck. And Since I had just bought some Coldstone Ice Cream that meant I had $12 in my pocket. So after spending a good 2 hours wandering the aisles I walked out with 11 books:

  • The Great Gatsby
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Thirteenth Tale
  • Every Boy's Got One
  • Catalyst
  • The Name of this Book is Secret
  • MLA Handbook 6th Ed
  • The Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • Killing me Softly
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • Rosemary and Rue
So I'm very excited about reading those, as soon as I find the time while reading Frankenstein for English class.

See? thats actually a pretty good day that I can make into a blog post. But for some reason when I tried writing it the first time it was no where near this long...

Sadly, I'm still at the phase where I have to force myself into blogging properly and not just thinking of doing it later.

Oh and as for the title today. I went to pick up my comics today; Batwoman, Superboy, and Batman and Robin, and when I purchased them and left I realized I didn't have my keys. When I walked into the Comic Book Shop I only had my wallet and my phone. I had stupidly left my keys in the car. D'oh!
Thankfully AAA has an iphone app that I could use to request service. And while I was waiting for someone to show up I ended up seeing it as a perfect excuse to actually blog. Of course, right when I started getting into it, AAA shows up and opens my car door for me. But I suppose the app served its purpose cause here I am on my laptop, Charlie, typing away...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Read this quote and I quite liked it...

"Envy is the religion of the mediocre. It comforts them, it soothes their worries, and finally it rots their souls, allowing them to justify their meanness and their greed until they believe these to be Virtues."

From The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Sunday, July 10, 2011

LeakyCon 2011

In 30 hours I will be heading to LAX. In 30 hours and 40 minutes I will be boarding a plane. In 42* hours I will be in Orlando. After that the math just gets too crazy but still! It's so close but it feels like I'll never leave LA. The worst part is I still have all of tomorrow to wait.

Although, its just as well, because I'm still not ready! So today, after I finish this blog, I will clean my room, go to Robin's to watch the latest episode of True Blood**, then come home and do more cleaning, cause knowing me it'll take more then 3 hours once you factor in my procrastinating. Then tomorrow I have a short 2 hour book keeping shift at work at 8. then I'll go home and properly pack, since, you know, I haven't really done more then just pile everything together. My dad can't find our suitcase, who knows who we loaned it to last, so he needs to pick up a new one. 

My emotions keep flip-flopping back and forth between utter joy and utter panic. I can't believe the end is in sight. And while I know that it won't mean the end of the Harry Potter Fandom*** I know I'll still be quite dejected when its over. Especially since we just found out that Alex Carpenter's last show as The Remus Lupins will take place during LeakyCon. He was my first WRock band, my first wrock CD, my first live show... I knew it had to happen, all the wrockers are slowly moving on to other fandoms and projects. We'll still have Alex, of course, he's still gonna be working hard at his craft... but theres a whisper in the back of my head that say, oh so mockingly, "they're growing up."

Ah well, there will be time enough later for tears. And I'm gonna try my best to spend the week at LeakyCon living in the moment and not time travelling to the end.


** spoiler from last week: Eric finally lost his memory! I can't wait for he and Sookie to get it on!! 
***Star Wars is proof enough of that 
**** 29 hours

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Found a new blog...

Its called hitting on girls in bookstores and it is just fabulous :) sadly it looks like he revamped so all his old posts are gone, but thankfully, when I subscribed via google reader it had all his old posts. The one that cinched it for me was one he wrote on April 1, 2008.  I think this screen cap should work:

A romantic pick-up line to use on a bookish girl.

"Will you be my Elizabeth Bennett?"

Simple. Clean. And utterly dorky. Use it on the wrong type, though, and you'll find yourself with an odd look and not a sly smile."

How brilliant is that? I would love for a boy to say that one day to me!



Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Clara

I've been thinking about you a lot lately, I kept looking at the date as today got closer and closer. Its your birthday today. Your 31st birthday. I posted happy birthday messages on twitter and on facebook. The same way I do for everyone when I can remember their birthdays (I'm bad at remembering, you know). But you're not here. And I had to go onto facebook, back through your timeline because I've completely forgotten the day you passed. I didn't forget that it happened, it would be impossible to forget you, but the day itself, the actual date, I forgot.

Its been less then a year since you've been gone. In some ways it feels like its only just happened, the same disbelief that I felt when I first heard the news... How can you be gone? In other ways it feels like a lifetime ago that I got see your beautiful face, hear your wonderful laugh, or get to hug you because its been so long since I last saw you... It was always like that. Every time I saw you, there was this feeling of Why don't I see her more? But thats how you were, you were a magnet to everyone who was fortunate enough to call you a friend. I can picture you in my mind, and you're always happy. You're smiling, you're laughing, even that memory of you and Kenny at Denny's where you walloped him, and he fell to the ground, I'm pretty sure you were a bit pissed at that moment, but I remember you laughing right along with the rest of us. You never had a cross word for anyone, you were gracious and charming and so so kind. I'm sad that we weren't close enough where I thought I could call you if I were sad, but that was stupid of me. You would have listened. You would have cared.

Work was hard today. I kept thinking about you. I kept hoping someone from the Noble Crew would show up at my restaurant. I wanted to be with someone who knew you, I wanted to be able to tell some one, out loud, "I miss Clara so much today" and have the person I was saying that to reply, "me too." I wanted even the breifest hug from someone who would understand: the world is just that much less joyful because you're not in it. And then, I took a spill. Tripped on lettuce in the kitchen in front of 10 other co-workers, and went down like a leaded weight. They asked if I was alright and helped me up. Later I was thinking about how if you had been there I would have laughed at myself for being a spaz, and you would have joined me. Not because you delight in the pain of others, but because you knew that laughing at yourself is the best way of getting over things. After that I felt a bit better, thinking of how much joy you got out of life.

After work today, I had a drink in your honor. I sat in a bar nursing a beer thinking of how full of life and love you were. Remembering your face, your smile, the sound of your voice. As I remembered, as I looked back on pictures, as I facebook stalked you, I wanted to laugh and I wanted to cry.

Clara Crawford, I miss you so much. I wish you could still be with us, I wish your Birthday could have been a day of joy (your Bday party would have been AMAZING, I would have spent the afternoon laughing with you and the rest of the Noble crew, never wanting it to end), I wish I could hear your laugh, just one more time.

Happy 31st Birthday

All my love, from your friend,

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Not so Habit Forming, Eh?

They say that 20 days is all you need to make or break a habit. I had 30* and as soon as BEDA was over my mind decided to not remind me to blog... I guess I will always have to force myself a bit to start typing.
My 25th birthday was yesterday. I went to Disneyland with my friend Jen and then, that night, I went out dancing with my other friends Robin, Cassandra, and Denise, which was insanely fun! Its funny that back in highschool I was never that girl who loved to go dancing and I never thought I would be, I don't know how that changed but it did and now any excuse to go out with friends and dance will be taken.
I ended up sleeping over at Cassandra's place since after drinking there was no way I could drive home and I wasn't gonna try. This morning** after I left Cassandra's place I headed to the mall to get a giftcard for mom. I am the queen of last minute shopping, I once bought a friend his gift a half hour before I was supposed to be at his place....

Honestly nothing was done today, I legit spent the entire day on the computer not even doing anything productive, I was on Instructables looking at what people have made with paper. I made a couple of the easy ones like making a blank book out of one sheet of paper and a staple, or a box out of a post-it note, and I learned how to fold a letter into an envelope which I used with the letter I wrote for my friend Liz in FL who sent a birthday card for me. I love that I was able to fold the letter into an envelope, because the only time I have seen that done are in movies. Specifically, Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice :) I love it, its like I'm Lizzie sending a letter to Charlotte or Jane!

I work tomorrow at 7am (ah book keeping...) then I have Mass, and then the family will be coming over for my birthday, they usually give cash for presents and I plan on saving that for LeakyCon***


*well 27 since i missed 3 days...
**almost noon...
***66 days and counting

Friday, April 29, 2011

Another Lunch break post

Gah! I can't believe I forgot to BEDA yesterday... That really sucks. I also can't believe that April, and BEDA, is almost over. In a way it's a relief that I won't stress out about finding a half hour block to post, on the other hand, it was nice spending the day thinking about what to blog. Although I suppose now if I just blog every few days I can find more time to write it all out and not let it have that rushed feel that some of mine* had.

In some other news I went on a run yesterday, well a jog, but it was about 2 miles total. My legs are killing me today, and they scheduled me as a food runner, which means I just spend my entire shift walking from the kitchen to the tables loaded with heavy and hot plates of food. Don't get me wrong, I love food running shifts. I spend the entire time fetching things for other people and I love work like that, I'm good at it**.

Actually funny story about work. I was scheduled today at 4 like I always am, but usually I'm scheduled to be the Host, coordinating where people and reservations are sat. The hosts also have a slightly different dress code that is, especially for the females, usually nicer clothes. So I was in my black slacks and a nice short sleeve shirt. As a foodrunner I would be in my black dickies and a long sleeve button down shirt... Um oops. Thankfully none of the managers were too pissed about it, or pissed at all really, which is great cause normally they'd send me home to change. I'm still in my nice pants but I had a long sleeve shirt that wasn't button down. But on break (now actually) I went to get my headphones outta my car and I was looking in my trunk for a jacket but nstead found a brand-new black button down shirt. I bought it months ago bt since the material was subpar I was gonna return it and never got around to it. Total blessing in disguise, right?

Breaks almost over sadly, but on the plus side I'm not closing tonight! And tomorrow I'm taking the younger cousins to USC for the LA Times Festival of Books! Which is basically I giant book fair! Last year John Green was signing his latest book. This year I'm hoping to meet Jonathan Stroud, who wrote the Bartemaeus Trilogy which I adore!

Till Tomorrow,


*ok most. Or, you know, all of them...
**I don't know what that says about me...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Old bosses' New Bosses'...

It's way too hot to spend on a computer blogging. Or even on a phone. I wish I didn't work tonight or I would totally be at the beach and in the water... As it is I spent today running errands and driving around. Sadly not with the top down, since the top can't come down, but windows down for sure!!

Days like these make me want to go and do outdoorsy things like hiking, which is insane, cause if I hike in this heat I'm liable to get dehydrated and unable to move in the middle of nowhere. Been there, done that, not fun. But I'm gonna have to end up at the beach and soon, otherwise, I'll go mad.

So at work, two managers left to different BJ's. Sadly they were 2 of the sane ones, and one of those was my absolute favorite Eugene* who was fun to flirt with... We're apparently getting this new girl who's worked every position and has moved up to become a manager. From what I heard she's fantastic, but the only thing I want to know is if she'll like me. All the other managers do which means they're usually willing to give me my days off when I ask for them. If she doesn't like me she can completely ruin a good thing... Not that I can, like, get away with murder, if I mess up or don't do a good job they're not afraid to let me know** but since I do a good job and they can trust me it's easy for me to say: "hey can I get more hours?" or: "can I get next Friday off? It's my birthday" In any case, apparently I'm gonna be able to meet her today as it's her first day... I'll keep y'all posted.


*like the penguin Muppet :)
**sometimes in loud voices

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tonight I'm going to need you all with me.

"I've been running. 
Faster then I've ever run, 
and I've been running my whole life. 
Now its time for me to stop."
-The Doctor


Basically, I just rewatched the episode and took notes on what was happening. Sorry if its lengthy, theres's just a lot I wanted to mention. So this blog reads as part play by play commentary and my theories thrown in from time to time.

 First thing I want to point out is that we find out that 2 months ago that the Doctor left Rory and Amy behind telling them he'd be in touch. I'm so used to 10 needing to be with people that this strikes me as incredibly odd. Was the Doctor just giving Amy and Rory time to be newly weds or did he actually want to be alone. And why?

Also when River first comes into the scene and she and the Doctor sync their diaries I was a little pissed off that they had adventures that we didn't get to see. I mean, I know why that is now, but still I was a bit pissed...

And as for the Doctor's "running" quote, 10 has said the same too- he's been running ever since he was 8 years old and looked into time, eternity, whatever that was. So is his need to stop something to do with that? With Gallefrey and his past, or is this something new that's made the doctor see how much running he's done his life and now wants to stop. But what does that mean for the Doctor? What does "stop running" mean? No more adventures, no more TARDIS, a normal life? The one Adventure he can never have?

And then they move to their picnic near a lake. Which, I'm sorry, looks like no where on earth I've ever seen... seriously, that place looks more like a different planet then anything here. The water is too still and the moon too bright...

Then we find out that the Doctor is 1103 years old and mentions that Amy has put on a few pounds... Does he know what Amy will reveal to his past self? If he does then he's just following the timeline and wants to change something at a later point in time, but if he doesn't know then wouldn't that mean that he's completely changing everything in the past? I also can't tell if the Doctor knows that Amy has seen the alien or if he just thinks theres something weird that just happend. The expression on his face is way too subtle for me to figure out.

And I can't help but notice that River is surprisingly quiet throughout this scene. From what we later learn we know that she and the Doctor are travelling at opposite ends so right now River knows almost everything about the Doctor, while he knows so very little. Does she know that there is something wrong with what he's saying? That this is the calm before the storm?

And then that Astronaut shows up, and the Doctor sounds so sad when he tells them that they can't interfere no matter what, and of course to the Astronaut he says: "It's OK, I know it's you." And here's my theory that it might be River Song who kills him, as she of course, kills the best man she ever knew, and who could that be but the Doctor? We have so little info and the time doesn't seem to add up but this has been a theory ever since 5th season, one a friend of mine mentioned and made the most sense to me...
And then as the Doctor and the Astronaut are talking it looks as though the Doctor may be scolding the Astronaut with the pointing and the gesturing. And then he drops his head, like a kid in trouble. and again, he looks so sad.

And I know that Matt Smith was signed on for the whole season, and I've heard he was contracted for 3 total, but I still freaked out when he got shot and started to regenerate, and of course he got shot again and then River said he didn't get a chance to move to the next version and I almost began crying...

And then we find out he's not dead. And River's line: "This is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold." I would have slapped him more then once.

Poor River, trying to hold on to her Doctor and seeing their shared memories forgotten. It's The Silence in the Library all over again.

Later on the TARDIS when everyone leaves the Doctor cause they're cross with him, I think he looks a little scared. With Rory and Amy, and even River they wouldn't have much idea of what's going on, but this is the Doctor, and he's so very clever. He can put the universe together with just a few fragmented pieces. What does he think is going on, and why does he look scared, instead of confused about how everyone's acting or even a little distrusting of the whole situation. Why does he look scared? What has he figured out just by watching?

Did he spend those 200 years alone, only to contact them at the end? Or did they have this adventure with him already and he's just changing things to tweak the outcome? And what is the outcome? If it's not the Doctor's style to be avenged or saved then what is? The only thing I can think of is fixing something or saving the world. We saw the Doctor get killed, but that didn't destroy the world. Is it the Aliens and the "Revolution" mentioned in the trailer. Is he fixing History by getting rid of those aliens? Is that what needs to happen?

"He's interacted with his own past. He could rip a hole in the universe."
"He's done it before."
"And, in fairness, the universe did blow up."
Good ol' Rory :)
Why is he interacting with his past when he knows its so dangerous. It's like his whole "Time Lord Victorious" moment from before and we all know that didn't end too well. Does he still think that as the last Time Lord he's now above the rules, or has he just learned, through trial and error, how close to line he can get without screwing everything up?

Then we get that scene where the Doctor isn't going to 1969 because of some mysterious summons and River tries to get him to trust her but he won't. He flirts with her and jokes with her, but still doesn't trust her, and while I love River and really think she's one of the good guys. He's smart to want to know the answers. But if the writers turn around and have her be some enemy I'll have to hunt them down... But this scene. With what he says, with all his bitterness coming to light, and he is really bitter, he just hides it by being ridiculous, add Murray Gold's fantastic music and how the Doctor's voice gets all quiet... This scene gives me chills... I love it.

Of course followed up by one of the funniest moments in this episode with the Doctor trying to be all impressive about the TARDIS and River quietly fixing his mistakes :)

And a quick jump ahead since we've heard the phone call. The Space man the girl is scared of, its not the person in the spacesuit cause apparently thats her, so I think the Space man is either the Doctor, who's been called that before, or maybe the alien things. Its more likely to be the Doctor though, unless somehow that little girl is able to remember the Aliens even when they're not around, although that can be possible since that girl can't be what she seems to be. There's just too much weird around her.

"They're American!"
"Don't Shoot, dont shoot!"
yeah we're just crazy gun shooting cowboys, aren't we ;)

And then Amy sees the Alien again and forgets again, and shouldn't she be protected by that sort of thing since she's a time traveler?

And when she sees it in the restroom again and it kills Joy. That was way creepy, and did that security guard not hear Amy scream? What good is he then?

And then we get to Florida and Cantor is finding out more and more about the Doctor and the TARDIS, "Like your wheels." He's just so calm and cool about it, i love it!

"I'm quite the Screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you!" I LOVE RIVER SONG

Even though Rory didn't want to go in the tunnel, he seems a lot less useless then he used to be. Despite not having the big moments (and how could he with Amy and River there?) I really liked him in this episode. Before I kinda got the feeling that he was there because Amy is. He was just tagging along like Mickey did without being the tin dog. But then that scene with him and River and he's talking to her, it fleshes him out more, like he isn't just there, but wants to be and can be friends with the Doctor and River. Not just Amy's husband.

Of course talking to River, we get that heartbreaking line:

"The day is coming when I'll look into that man's eyes, my Doctor, and he won't have the faintest clue who I am.

"And I think it's going to kill me."

And then we get that lightening show and we have no clue if Rory's been hurt, and he better not have been. Although truth be told I don't think he has been, cause they already killed him last season, are they really going to do that again?

Meanwhile, with seconds left in the episode, Amy gives her grand reveal: She's Pregnant! And I freaked out again. In the very back of my mind, when Future Doctor mentioned that Amy gained some weight I thought "Maybe she's pregnant" But I didn't actually think that was true!!!

But here's something. Amy is pregnant. She's been feeling a little ill from time to time, but the first time it happened was after the alien. But the second time she's ill it wasn't from just seeing the Alien. So maybe those ill feelings were baby by nature and not the alien. Plus if it was from the alien wouldn't it make sense for their heads to be affected since its their brains that are getting tampered with? Plus wouldn't everyone be feeling ill? Joy didn't, but then she died really quickly. Rory didn't feel ill either. The only other person who had a sick to their stomach feeling was River. If the illness isn't because of the aliens, River might be pregnant too. Mind you this might be reaching, as clearly it wasn't the Doctor and since they're "together" I don't see River shacking up with whoever, plus she's been in jail... But still, imagine if she was?

Finally at the very end, we see the space suit and Amy reaches for the gun and in my head I'm going "Don't do it!!!" But its too late, we see the child in the suit and Amy doesn't stop herself in time and both she and the Doctor scream.... and that's it. Episode one is done.

There's still so many questions going on, and I can't believe that they're starting this season off with a 2 parter, jerks.

And next weekend I'll be at the LA Times Festival of Books at USC so I'll have to wait till like Monday to watch the episode... Oi.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Time for Blogging

The problem is that I have all these ideas for what I want to blog about, but then I never give myself enough time to blog, so then I'm stuck speed blogging when, like tonight, I've just gotten home from work, or days when I blog during my half-hour breaks at work.

Of course, I'm operating on the assumption that if I gave myself loads of time to write the blog I would actually use it to, you know, write the blog, and not kill al my time surfing online and checking twitter "for inspiration" Le Sigh.

I have this app on my computer called Freedom that I downloaded for NaNoWriMo that basically kills your internet for the amount of time you want it to up to 10 hours. So basically you can type away for say half an hour or even longer and no chance to go online and browse facebook. If I ever get more then 30 minutes to post I think I will try it out...


Sunday, April 24, 2011

aww crap...

I did forget to BEDA yesterday. I couldn't remember at all whether I did or not... So FREAKING close to actually blogging once a day for a whole month! that sucks.

In other news, I apparently take Lists waaay too seriously. I wanted to post a quick top 5 movies list but I only got to 1 and 2... maybe 3... after then I keep changing my mind and forgetting movies I've seen and wondering about the movies I haven't..

I know that Shawshank Redemption gets top billing, and Lion King probably comes right after*, but then I don't know if Casablanca is 3rd and I draw a complete blank after that... What do you think... whats in your top five and whats missing from mine?

Of course Doctor Who season 6 began yesterday! I've seen the episode twice now and I have no clue what to make of it. I know it's got me looking forward to next saturday, but there's so much I want to know. But I think I will wait till tomorrow to post for fear of spoiling those who do not watch.

I know, I know, we all wanna talk DW but think if you accidentally got spoiled on such a brilliant show, how sucky would that be? Although I will say this, I don't think I noticed it in S5 but does it seem that 11 has the same bitterness that 10 noted in 9? After losing Rose***, losing Donna, after his hold "Time Lord Victorious" moment of insanity, after regenerating when he didn't want to... I think he's bitter again... I only hope that River is somehow to fix that, like Rose first did... I am one of the millions who have decided that River and The Doctor are definitely married at some point...

Well In any case, Its Easter Sunday**** so I'm off, plus I'm a bit tired.



* Don't laugh. Its an amazing film with wonderful art, intense drama**, and a fantastic score.

**yes drama. Don't tell me you don't get a little weepy when Mufasa dies...

***TWICE :(

**** HAPPY EASTER!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dream that's the thing to do

There's this letter forming in my head that I can't wait to blog about... But it's not finished. I need to do just a small bit of research and also have time to sit down and write it properly. Basically it's an open letter to the doctor. And I really want to tell you about it but I'm afraid I'll give away too much and my letter will suck. But I will write it...

In other news, I have a complaint. A huge one. People this week have had dreams of LeakyCon, of Doctor Who, Harry Potter, movies they've seen, and booms they've read. I hardly ever remember my dreams, except for last night. And it wasn't some cool "oh it's leakycon and there's Alex carpenter" dream... Oh no. I dreamed that my cat ran away and I spent the rest of the dream trying to find him. And I did find him in the end but he kept fighting to get away, not exactly a happy ending. So thank you, Universe. Thank you for not giving me awesome dreams like everyone else. Thanks for making me cry in my dream. I enjoyed that a lot...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In which work gets in the way again, and I offer another excuse

I had the short shift at work so I thought I'd have enough time to post Monday's blog today, but the host who was scheduled to come in at 4, and also close the restaurant decided to not show up and also never called a manager to let them know they weren't going to show so instead I got asked to close. So she's on the list now*.

So hopefully tomorrow I will post Monday's blog. I really really wanna share it with you too! Spoiler: it's in the form of pictures :)

I'm halfway thru The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and I went ahead and picked up another one of his books The Prince of Mist which is a children's book and was written first. I'm very curious to see how different his style is when writing for a different audience.

Thankfully tomorrow I have the day off but I do have Mass so I'll try to get my blog post out before then.

Till then,


*I didn't know I had a list

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Somethings are worth getting your heart broken for

Sarah Jane Smith: No. The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it's a world, or a relationship... Everything has its time. And everything ends.

So I had a great day yesterday and was all excited about blogging about it... And then I came home. And then I got to pissed to blog so I decided to opt out. My plan today was to post yesterday's blog today but I'm not going to. I'll probably get to it tomorrow.

I found out today that Elisabeth Sladen passed away. She's known to most people as Sarah Jane Smith, a companion to the 3rd and 4th doctor. I know her from when the 10th doctor met up with her again. And the new Whovians loved her so much she not only got a spinoff (that both 10 and 11 guest starred in) but she also made a reappearance on Doctor who in season 4 and as the Doctor was getting his reward before he regenerated.

When I first found out, I was shocked, of course, and a little sad. Sarah Jane Smith was a great character and Elisabeth Sladen a fantastic actress. But then it sunk in and "a little sad" turned into almost crying in the middle of the street. The stupid things people think about when confronted by death started to pop up:

"what's the doctor gonna say when he finds out?"
"who's gonna look after k-9 now?"

Even in the brief moments I knew her, Elisabeth Sladen WAS Sarah Jane Smith. And I'm sad that the Doctor and she will never meet up again.

A friend on Facebook noted that she only knew of SJS through the new DW series. She hasn't watched classic Who or the spinoff but she was still really sad and couldn't quite understand why. I myself am in the same boat so I wondered too.

I commented: she was connected to the Doctor's past. She was special to him, so she became special to us.

Sarah Jane Smith. Elisabeth Sladen you will be missed. So much. Goodbye.

Monday, April 18, 2011


no blog today. too pissed.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mysteries and magic; Visions fantastic

Another lovely day in LA today. But this time I am heading to Disneyland. My friend Jen and I are going there to Watch Fantasmic tonight. We both really love this show. And as great as World of Color is, it's no match for Fantasmic for me. I've loved Fantasmic ever since I was a kid and dad or mom would my sis and I to Disneyland once every few years, usually for a birthday or when we had family from out of state visiting. Fantasmic was one of the things we would do. And it was always so cool to see Mickey defeat all the villains, especially Maleficant when she turned into a dragon.

Fast forward to when eventually we didn't go to Disneyland all that much, I think it was like a ten year gap when we finally went back. I remember they were still building what would be known as Disney's California Adventure.

And then fast forward once more to when I was working at Barnes and Noble. and a bunch of them planned to go to Disneyland and I was invited too. I remember asking if we can make time for Fantasmic, a little worried that they would say "nah..." cause it's not that good. But to my surprise and delight they readily agreed. That day passed in a whirl of amazing as I rode a rollar coaster for the first time*, got to get to know the Noble Crew as my friend Kevin dubbed us, a lot better then I had before, and generally just had a blast! Finally that night we all gathered on some steps on the Rivers of America to view Fantasmic. I remember being a little worried that it would not be as amazing as I thought it was when I was 8. And then the familair female voice announcing that we would see if Mickey was strong enough to stop the forces of evil that invade Mickey's dreams and that high pitch note that starts oh so quietly and slowly gets louder till the lights come out of the stage all bright and blinding and Finally, all the lights on our side go out at once with the music... And rewatching the show I had enjoyed as a child. Tearing up when the princesses appeared dancing with their princes, watching the dragon threaten Mickey and seeing Mickey beating the Dragon, to say nothing of his oh so adorable dancing when the show started...

Rewatching Fantasmic was the best Disney memory I have- because the show I loved as a child was not dated or lame. It was, well, fantastic. And no matter what new shows Disney puts out, no matter how much I love watching them, they will never hold a candle to Fantasmic!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hot Fun in the Summer TIme, We can do What we Want to

So yesterday. After I got back from my break, the manager thought that it was dying down enough to just send the remaining 3 hosts home as they hit their 5th hours instead of breaking them for lunch. Problem was that I still had a quote time and a wait for people coming in when, at 11 o'clock, the last host had to go home. The manager ended up having to help me seat parties, but since he couldn't stay the whole time, since he had manager stuff to do, like run the restaurant, I ended up having to deal with the whole greeting people as they walk in, paging people when a table was being cleaned, and seating them. Thankfully with some sporatic help from the manager and one of the servers, who's totally on my Hero list, I survived long enough for me to seat everyone on the waitlist by 11:45- 15 minutes before the restaurant closed. The best part of the crazy days when I have to bring my absolute best to the table, and sometimes even better then my best, is that at the end of the night the manager mentions to me that I was a huge part of the reason the night was a success!

It's really the only upside to having to close Friday nights, wake up 4.5 hrs later and go to work for 8 hrs...

After work today I almost went to Disneyland, but 1. I always go there, and 2. how could i not go to the beach when its perfect beach weather???

Plus Dland is still on Spring Break crowds so it would have been packed. So I changed out of my uniform and into some capris, a muscle tee, and my toms and I was off.

Despite the fact that at 5pm the weather was cooling down and the winds were a bit chillier the crowds were still going strong in Manhattan Beach, probably helped by the fact that there was a sidewalk sale going on, to say nothing of the incredible heat that the south bay had going on. Seriously, I stepped out of the restaurant at like 9:30 in the morning and it felt like the middle of July!

So there I was at the beach. Gorgeous of course. All the shops were busy, the restaurants were full, and the beach was full of people- the college students playing vollyball, young kids checking out the aquarium at the end of the pier, people on bogie boards and surfboards waiting for that perfect wave, families and old men fishing, couples holding hands, friend shrieking as they kicked water at their friends, everyone enjoying this seemingly perfect day. And it was perfect.

To me, when people say LA or SoCal I don't think of the Hollywood sign, or movie stars, shopping on rodeo drive. It has nothing to do with movie premieres and the oscars, or club hopping and the night life. LA is going to a dodger game in the middle of summer, hiking PV, driving up to Malibu in search of watering holes, but most important: LA is the beach. It's this:

Friday, April 15, 2011


I have nine minutes before I need to clock back in and since I don't get off the clock till midnight that means I have less then 10 minutes to post a Blog!!!!!!!

*head explodes*

Much like is been threatening to do all night. I only had one patio to use for reservations and 3 over large parties. Since our restaurant is small that means most of my table were being saved for the reservations instead of sat with parties waiting, which means we had to give people high quote times, which mean most parties don't stay cause who wants to wait an hour to be sat, which means we have less people buying food, which means we have less sales, which means less money to spend on employees, which mean less hours to give out, which means my paycheck is smaller... OMG!!!!

I have a headache...


Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's the time of the season

It was such a nice day, but it so sucks that no matter how warm it is during the day its always so cold at night. I'm just looking forward to when i could put my heavy blanket away, sleep with a thin sheet and still need to open a window. And I swear if our Summeris anything like last years I will cry. It was so pathetic!!! It makes me want to rip my hair out anytime I think of it. It hardly ever got past the mid 70s and for me, summer is mid 80 to 90s. I still had a jacket cause even though it was in the 70s the ocean breeze made it feel colder :-/

Ooh! My room is clean! Just one load of laundry left and I'm done! just in time for Spring Break... to end... ah well. I still have tomorrow, well till work at 4... working 6 days is great for my paycheck, not so much for being in my 20s and supposed to live life like its a party...

I don't know why but I'm not feeling the blog tonight. Seriously, I've deleted and rewritten this post 3 times. First time thats happened to me. Usually if i push myself I tend to get a groove going. But tonight? Nothing...

ah well,

night all


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I got a lot to say, I got a lot to say, I got a lot to say. I can't remember now, I can't remember now, I can't remember now

I wonder what would happen if Dr House from House MD met Dr Lightman from Lie To Me...

Anyways. Even though Thursdays are my usual (and only) day off I'm going in tomorrow to do the bookeeping. I usually do that on weekends, but the girl who takes care of it Mon-Fri needs a day off since she's been getting sick*. Its not too bad though, its a slightly higher pay and it's only 4 hours and the best part? I don't deal with guests :) They asked me to also cover take-out but honestly I couldn't... I still need to clean my room** and honestly I was waay looking forward to getting to wear some color instead of all black...

So these days anytime I see a plane, all I can think is "Come July, that'll be me..." I'm still surprised I'm gonna get to go. I'm mentally thinking of what I need to pack, how to avoid too much luggage, how much it'll cost to ship things home... just a lot of little things. squee. really, just, squee!

The only thing I'm worried about is my cat. He hates it when I leave. And apparently he meows all night when I'm not home, he still sleeps in my room even when I'm not there. And of course when I get back he'll avoid me for like 3 days until he forgives me. The cat, Eros, started out as being my sister's. But for some reason Eros chose me, and really doesn't like anyone else except maybe my mom.

There's not much going on, I might hit the beach tomorrow, and I might catch some Doctor Who with Robin since we've still only seen the Christmas episode of Season 2...

Since I gotta be up all hella early I'm turning in now. Catch you all later!


*as prescribed by her Doctor, lucky duck...
** There's a very good chance my room will never be clean again. I've accepted that, mom, however, sure hasn't.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So late...

But I really don't want to fail BEDA!!! Especially since this is the longest streak I've ever had! So today's Stats:

Breakfast: tea (English breakfast), scrambled eggs, orange juice, 2 oranges, and toast.

Clean: Not even a little. I completely fail at beng an adult

Reading: nope. Which is silly cause I'm reading another book By Carlos Ruiz Zafon called The Angel's Game which is so far very intriguing...

Watch: disc 3 and part of disc 4 of Friend's season 3. The Rachel/Ross breakup is still way intense.

Lunch: Ramon Noodle and juice. Completely undoing the good of breakfast, but that's normal for me...

Clothes: work clothes- black pants, black top. BJ's has completely ruined me for wearing black, the bastards.

Podcasts: so so behind but almost done with the back log of Views From a Longbox and it feels good go be listening to comic talk again.

Spending: well there's the plus of paying my phone bill, but the slight negative of buying a camcorder... Thankfully only $100 and takes SD cards instead of internal memory, which I just don't agree with...

Work: alright, but fellow host turning all crazy bitchy like, well, me, was quite bizarre. Thankfully she her shift was finished quickly after.

Tomorrow: late shift so I plan to clean. Will try to go running, want to eat healthier then I have been. AND NOT SPEND ANY $!!!!!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning? Yeah Right...

So I have a lot of laundry that I need to deal with. The problem is that it's all clean and it's taken over my bed- so when I went to bed last night I had to curl up near the head cause everything else was covered in clothes... and of course, despite that I had the whole day free and didn't start work till 6, did I put my clothes away? No. I did about half, but between errands, in n out*, watching Scott Pilgrim and lazing about, I did not finish. Hopefully tomorrow I will be more efficient.

I went to the library today to return 3 books- Geek High, My Double Life, and Ten Things I Hate About Me, and recheck out: Cirque Du Freak 5, and Geek Magnet. I also went to target today cause with my new very short hair style, I needed pomade to style it, which is basically wax. Problem is, most sculpting waxes for girls are made with high shine, and I really didn't think that'd be a good look for me since I work in a restaurant. The only low shine I found was called Fiber and made by American Crew, which is the official supplier for Men. Although I've always felt that for the most part guys have better stuff, like razors, and shirts, and jeans... apparently hair care as well. What next? Make-up? LOL.

Work Today was alright. Its generally a short shift when I Food Run** but today it was really short- I only worked 3 hours. And since it was relatively slow today I doubt I'll make more then $20 today... ah well. To tell you the truth I wasn't really feeling it today anyways. I did however score a bottle of Barefoot Moscato since Stephanie doesn't drink.

Tomorrow I'll clean, but I work a full shift so I'll have to finish by 3... Here's hoping!


* not that I regret going to in n out :)
** especially since the girl I work with, Stephanie, really pushes to get me home early so she can keep most of the tips...

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's only 9:30 but I'm really tired so this is my super lame way of still BEDA-ing without forgetting a day. Apologies all around. I'll see you mañana!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?

I worked from 7am to 3:50pm today. The first 4 hours was taking care of the bookkeeping, after that I was in takeout. Which was really slow, especially cause Frank was scheduled to work with me and you really don't need to people at takeout on Saturday during the lunch shift. The worst part was splitting the tips. I got $18 instead of $27. Oh well, hopefully it won't be a permanent thing. After work I rushed home to change, cause tonight, me and Cassandra are going to Disney's* California Adventure to dance at ElecTRONica in the Hollywood Studios Backlot. ElecTRONica is basically a nightclub (yes with alcohol) with a Tron Theme.

They first started the nightclub concept last summer with their GlowFest. Basically the same as ElecTRONica but with a neon color scheme (instead of ElecTRONica's blue and black color scheme). But while that one was just all dancing, ElecTRONica also had a sneak peek at Tron: Legacy, a pretty swank bar to hang out at, and Flynn's. Ok so if you haven't seen the first Tron film. The protagonist of the story owned an arcade called Flynn's and it played a pretty critical role in the sequel. And Disney, geniuses that they are, recreated the arcade at DCA. The best part was that they didn't fill it with all the currant games that everyone is playing. Oh no, the arcade had all the classic games the the generation before me (and partly mine as well) enjoyed. Games like the first Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Pong, Pac-Man, Galaxian, etc etc. Truly fantastic games from my childhood that I sucked at** but really loved. And to top it off, Disney bought the old change machines and made special Flynn arcade tokens. So just like in the 80s and early 90s you put a buck into the machine and got back 4 tokens to play with. A lot of people consider ElecTRONica superior to GlowFest and while I never got to experience GlowFest, I don't imagine they're wrong. I haven't heard it officily confirmed, and I heard it from a work buddy, and not from the few podcasters and/or twitter accounts who always seem to get their facts starlight, but apparently, when ElecTRONica comes to an end on Labor day*** GlowFest will make a reappearance, I hope they add to it to make it more then just a club though... But since it's not attatched to a movie I have no idea what they can add...

Well Cassandra should be here soon so I'll say bye now. Talk to you later!


*I know Disney has altered their brand recently and they've dropped the "'s" but honestly, I grew up calling everything Disney's. I don't plan on changing that anytime soon...
**a skill level I have never gone passed. Seriously, my hand eye coordination SUCKS
***this is how popular ElecTRONica ended up being: it was only supposed to last ti early January, then mid march, then spring time, and finally Labor Day. No complaits from me :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blogging at work...

It's busy but no ones yelled at me, so win! Plus I'm on break in the kitchen and we're telling riddles. I have Thomas, the manager, confused in the Greenhouse. Which is the only good riddle I know. When I have more time I'll blog it. Plus I plan to down like 3 cups of coffee :)

So far two people got the riddle, but 3 more still need to figure it out... Hee hee I'm evil.

Ok so 2 cups of coffee and some coke...

Ok, now back to work! And thankfully in a much better mood :)


PS... you can have apples in the greenhouse but you can't have oranges :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hanging with friends and buying shoes!

So today, I went out to get Brunch with Liz and Cassandra. We had a good day today, I had eggs, bacon, avocado and toast. We went to this small cafe in Hermosa Beach that I'd never been in, I almost got pancakes cause when I first walked in it smelled of syrup and it smelled good!

Afterwards since we still had time before Cassandra had to go to work, we went to Whole Foods cause Liz wanted a pair of Toms Shoes. If you don't know, Toms Shoes is a company that makes shoes from vegan and organic materials. But their big thing is their One for One movement. For every pair they sell they will donate a pair to children in 3rd world country who needs them. They're the reason Tuesday was "A Day without Shoes" Where they encourage us to go a day without shoes so we can get an idea of what the rest of the world has to deal with.

I've known about Toms Shoes for awhile, although it seems like they're just recently hitting the mainstream media. My sis is a big supporter of them. But when she first told me an=bout them, she showed me their cream colored ones and i just didn't like them. I completely supported what the company was doing and hoped they get a lot of people to buy, but they just weren't for me. So when we went today so Liz and Cassandra (who also wanted a pair) I was just gonna go to hang out.

So there we were and Liz and Cassandra were trying to find shoes that fit in a color/pattern they wanted, which was a bit difficult, cause hey're not sized like normal shoes, and Toms suggest going 1/2 a size smaller cause they'll eventually stretch. So while we were trying to find sizes that fit, I got kinda curious so i decided to see what size what fit and how they'd look on me, and... as I'm sure you guessed... they looked kinda nice on me. The style I picked was all wrong though, so then I was going right along with Liz and Cassandra trying to find a size that fit in a style I wanted. I wasn't a fan of the patterns but non of the colors were in my size. In the end though, I did find an olive pair one size smaller that i can fit on my feet. The best part was that when the three of us found pairs for ourselves and headed to our cars to go to REI we all threw off our shoes and quickly put on our new Toms Shoes! Actually wearing them now, they aren't as tight as they were at first, and they're quite comfortable. I still love my chucks and those may always be my favorite style, but Toms are quite nice too :)

After Whole Foods we went to REI cause Liz wanted a larger water bottle and to look at backpacks. And since all three of us are rather outdoorsey even Cassandra and I were happy to go even just to look. REI is a store meant for campers, backpackers, bikers, etc, etc. They're a bit pricey, but the best thing about them is their stuff is incredibly durable, and they have a truly legit lifetime warrenty on their products. I know friends who have been able to return extremely beat up and old hiking shoes and replace them with new ones. anytime I'm there it just makes me want to head for the mountains or the desert and camp for like a month. :)

Afterwards, I dropped off Liz at the Honda Dealership so she can get her car from getting serviced and I headed home. But now I'm leaving again cause Liz, Robin, and I are going to cook a vegan meal! As a hardcore carnivore, this is gonna be new for me.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I hope I don't jinx it by mentioning this...

But I'm a bit surprised I haven't skipped a day if BEDA yet. I think last year I lasted like 2 days before I forgot a day... And then I never quite recovered. Maybe it's a sign that I can also finally do NaNoWriMo and win. Shocking, right?

So tomorrow I'm hitting brunch with my friends Cassandra and Liz. Liz is coming down from Arizona before she leaves to work in FL w, I think, sea turtles again. I still get pretty jealous that she's gotten to work with sea turtles! I might also go to Robin's house to catch her up on some more Doctor Who. She finished season 1 last week and I convinced her to at least watch the Christmas special with Tennant so she can meet the new Doctor*. And just like I expected she likes him very much. Eccleson will always be my Doctor, but there's just no denying 10's amazing charisma...

Speaking of Doctor Who I went ahead and bought the ongoing Comic book series. I sadly missed the very first issue, which is now sold out, but I got 2 and 3 which are parts 1 and 2 of a three part Jack the Ripper storyline. I'm liking it so far, but I want to read a few more issues before deciding to add it to my pull list.

Ahhh pull lists... I finally cleaned mine out and that only took like 6 months to do... I'm really gonna make the effort to stick to going once a week and not letting all those comics accumulate... Especially cause I'm still a few months behind on my reading. Oy...

Well look at that! A proper post!


*Not that I had to try to hard to convince her...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ugh work

Seriously people. If you're gonna get 14 friends to go out to dinner don't be surprised that you have to wait. Don't whine and bitch about not being sat immediately. Especially when there's a Dodgers game AND a Lakers game. Hello? You Live in LA, of course we'll get busy. *Le Sigh* at least I'm on break now (and I have 10 more minutes) and when I left there was only like 2 names, I'm soooo hoping it's just like that when I get back...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mostly about Teefury

I sadly did not take any time today to think of what I wanted to blog about. And outside of classes and work I didn't do much. I did buy a pair of black denim jeans, and I don't think I've ever owned a pair of black denim jeans before... I also got my doctor who/ the beatles tee from teefury so that was a plus! I also bought the doctor who shirt TeeFury is selling till tomorrow night. It's a Doctor Who and Star Wars mash up. And I'm not complaining or anything, but TeeFury really does love their mashups, don't they? They're also apparently gonna sell a Torchwood one right after the DW/SW one and Since I'm almost done with season 2 I'm very excited to see what they create! I wish today's post had more substance, especially since tomorrow I work a full shift tomorrow, so I may have to do a quick post if I want to keep my streak going... ah well, It's only the 1st week, there's still plenty of chances for brilliance :)


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Favorite book

Why is it that when I'm away from my computer I have all sorts of ideas for what to blog about, but the second I fire up the laptop (Charlie), I end up staring at this blank page for ages????

Right. I have been staring at this screen for 10 minutes now! (ok fine, 5. But Still!)

Right, right. ok, here's something. My favorite book is Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It was first published in Spain but has since become an international best seller. It reads like a fantasy story with magic around every corner, but this book is firmly set in the mundane. It has not one magic spell in it. Its gothic and dark. Part mystery, part romance. And the writer- he writes with such skill, and honestly, he writes stories in the way that I have always wanted to write stories. Bloody fantastic, I tell you.

Anyways, I bring that book up because for the longest time, when ever I'm looking for a new book to buy the same thought crosses my mind. Over and over like its on repeat: I wish I never read Shadow of the Wind. And I know that makes no sense at first, but think about it. If I had never read then I could be a bookstore right now looking for something to read and by chance pick it up and then i would have the greatest pleasure of reading it for the first time all over again. And I want that so freaking bad!! I know rereading gives you the chance to pick up on things you missed the first time, but its almost always the first time reading something that determines if you'll fall in love with it. And with Shadow of the Wind I fell hard. Pretty much as hard as I did when I discovered Harry Potter all those years ago. And that is saying something :)


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Let's just pretend this title is interesting...

Cause once again, I find myself having to update in-between events. This time it's after work and before a friend's bday party. A bunch of us, the Noble Crew (we all know each other from when we worked together at Barnes & Noble; the only place I've ever worked where the employees felt like honest-to-God family) are going out to celebrate with margaritas! And as excited as I am to see the gang again, I may be even more excited about FINALLY wearing my heels. Nude colored with that hidden platform in the toes that make them look more hardcore then they actually are. Bliss.

Mind you, what with working at 7am tomorrow this may not be one of my more intel ever ideas. Ah well, cute heels and margaritas. I'll live :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

And because I'm apparently a glutton for punishment..

I will be attempting BEDA once more. Sadly I'm at work, and will be till midnight, so this tiny, insignificant, blog post will have to suffice for day one.

Alas and Alack*.

*No idea why but I've always wanted to say that...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I'm at work right now, manning the nook station at work but its really slow so I'm playing with the nook.

Ooh, I just sold a nook Color! I usually suck at closing a sale. So not much going in with my lige right now. Ok that's not true. I just still don't want to talk about it, its just either too much or nothing. And thinking about it makes me want to cry or scream. Plus it gives me a headachr. Oh I should go to lunch. Time flew. No idea how...